
Saturday, 19 February 2022

So now we know

So now we know! Or partly know.

Only 17,500 deaths in UK actually FROM covid, as distinct from WITH covid. Office of National Statistics figure, yet even there they only published openly the figures of deaths WITH covid. It took a legally binding request to get the figure of FROM covid deaths.

The collusion to this has been surely unprecedented in history. Not just government. All those such as Big Pharma who profited. All those who held back from questioning such high death rate figures being published, failing to ask for actual figures of deaths caused by covid, in those not having other causes of death. So, so many caught up in this and profiting. So many fearful to question it. Who can we trust anymore? Not many. And all that dishonesty just waiting to be manifest in another way soon. Unpunished this will just keep recurring in other ways. Trickery is the new norm. Woe. Woe. Woe.