
Friday, 11 February 2022

Christ died for you

The cross in ancient times was symbolic. It was symbolically used to hold up a bronze figure of the enemy of a demon in order to exorcise that demon or defeat that enemy. The bronze figure depicted on the bronze cross was a lord or enemy with power over the evil being. This was a practice from the dawn of human civilisation. Moses was told by God to deal with a plague of snakes among the camp of people by making a bronze snake and putting it on a pole and holding it up in the camp to cure those bitten by the snake. These kinds of practices were known among ancient peoples as the way evils were overcome in exorcism and healing. The cuneiform ancient writing symbol of a cross came to be associated with exorcism and divine healing. This was so from the start of civilisation even back when writing first came into existence. Holding up a figure of a powerful spirit would fend off other powerful spirits. Artefacts from long before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ show this very well established practice. Even today we see that ambulances have images of the serpent on the pole and have crosses on them. Medical pharmacy stores do the same. The Red Cross organisation does this too. God did it with His Son. The Christ on the cross is held up - against an evil. We are that evil. Our wrong behaviour. That powerful person held up before us to overcome the evil of us is our Lord. That Lord over us is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ crucified. Now risen as both Lord and Christ. Looking to this Lord Jesus Christ and learning from him, believing his veracity, believing God sent him, this overcomes our evil consciences and leads to powerful divine healing from our wayward behaviour. Dwelling on this truth of Christ crucified for you opens you to the healing and restoring power of God, allowing the correcting Spirit of holiness from heaven to enter your innermost being and lead you into truthfulness and truth. Look to this Lord Jesus Christ crucified for you and be healed from your evils and be cleansed in your conscience.