If humans were evolving for millions of years and have been around as humans for hundreds of thousands of years, why so few pyramids? Why no beautiful building remains older than ten thousand years old? Why no writing before five thousand years ago? Why no technology? Why no global destruction till now? “They were hunter gatherers,” say the advocates of the current too-big-to-fail, dogmatic theory. Nomadic hunter gatherers exist today and in the last few thousand years but look at Aksum, Timbuktu, the Great Zimbabwe and other glorious cities built by our equivalent in the last two millennia of so-called nomadic hunter-gatherer races, you cannot just sum up thousands of years of humans with such sweeping phrases like hunter gatherers. There are still tribes in Papua New Guinea living as they always lived. Yet other parts of Papua New Guinea have cities. Even the newly discovered cannibal tribes there are still building amazing tree houses. Without outside influence. Humans are a very capable species, irrespective of their lifestyle. Just because some people live as so-called hunter gatherers in known history does not mean those people and others nearby don’t build buildings, sophisticated buildings which last. Look at nomadic Tuaregs and Berbers but then look at the astonishing library and civilisation of Timbuktu in the Middle Ages. Human hunters, gatherers and nomads are a species which does amazing feats of innovation and builds amazing buildings. It is in our blood, whether or not we hunt, gather and migrate. So again I ask, if humans were evolving for millions of years and have been around as humans for hundreds of thousands of years, why so few glorious building remains older than ten thousand years old? Where is real solid evidence of humans living hundreds of thousands of years ago, given that it is in the nature of humans to build, learn, innovate, design beauty and leave behind buildings which can last thousands of years? Typically big, long-lasting building projects have happened among humans several times every millennium, throughout known ancient history. Why no evidence of these before ten thousand years ago? Then they suddenly started. That is not consistent with a slowly evolving species existing in its present state for hundreds of thousands of years then evolving just a little more.