
Saturday, 12 February 2022

Divine fellowship

Remaining in Jesus’ love is as important as Jesus remaining in the Father’s love. Jesus remaining in us is compared by Jesus to the Father remaining in Jesus. Jesus remains in the Father and the Father in him by Jesus keeping the Father’s words and doing what pleases the Father and having the Father’s constant devoted love. So too with us. As you get to know Jesus and find you have fellowship with Jesus by holding to Jesus’ teachings, you suddenly find you actually know the Father too and have fellowship with the Father and have the Father in your circle. That is because the Father is in Jesus’ circle, in Jesus’ life, in Jesus’ whole way of doing things, in the outcomes of all that Jesus does and in all the workings of Jesus’ actions and teachings and miracles. Seeing Jesus, we see the Father. Seeing the Father we see He has a beloved only begotten Son who we find is right there with the Father. The two are inseparable.