So the facts seem to check out which have immense implications and repercussions: sanctions placed by ‘United Kingdom’ on video blogger Graham Philips. I admit I love his pure video blog reporting, devoid of Russophobia. Now I have to say, it is my only right response, now it checks out, reported in Press and there in the UK Gov sanctions list (, that I have to hand over to Satan, spiritually speaking, all of those complicit in this and perpetrating it, at whatever level, because the UK claims to be a Christian kingdom, by its heritage but also by the profession of its royals. So this is a Church matter. Sanctions are without trial. Confiscating without trial is grievous. Grieving like this is hateful. Only citing Russophobic justifications is grievously unjust and un-Christian (Russia is predominantly a Christian nation these days). So we who believe must do as Apostle Paul commanded in 1 Corinthians 5 and hand these governing people over to Satan in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Justice is done this way. The Church must maintain righteous balance this way, the way of Christ in whose name we all believe. Sadly it will not end well for many in the UK power echelons. . . Satan is a hard task master but they have put themselves into subjection to him and will not end well. Sanctioning the sanctioners spiritually by Christ’s power is not to be done lightly but seems to be the most just and honest way to proceed.