
Thursday, 28 July 2022

Sanctioning the sanctioners

 So the facts seem to check out which have immense implications and repercussions: sanctions placed by ‘United Kingdom’ on video blogger Graham Philips. I admit I love his pure video blog reporting, devoid of Russophobia. Now I have to say, it is my only right response, now it checks out, reported in Press and there in  the UK Gov sanctions list (, that I have to hand over to Satan, spiritually speaking, all of those complicit in this and perpetrating it, at whatever level, because the UK claims to be a Christian kingdom, by its heritage but also by the profession of its royals. So this is a Church matter. Sanctions are without trial. Confiscating without trial is grievous. Grieving like this is hateful. Only citing Russophobic justifications is grievously unjust and un-Christian (Russia is predominantly a Christian nation these days). So we who believe must do as Apostle Paul commanded in 1 Corinthians 5 and hand these governing people over to Satan in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Justice is done this way. The Church must maintain righteous balance this way, the way of Christ in whose name we all believe. Sadly it will not end well for many in the UK power echelons. . . Satan is a hard task master but they have put themselves into subjection to him and will not end well. Sanctioning the sanctioners spiritually by Christ’s power is not to be done lightly but seems to be the most just and honest way to proceed.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Salt of the earth or salt without saltiness?

 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."

-- Jesus Christ 

The leaders of the West, its sovereign heads of state, heads of churches, leaders of governments, aristocrats, nobles, parliamentarians, top civil servants, public sector leaders, all used to be salty - having a certain quality of leadership which tended to preserve the West and through them the whole world, from corruption and regression and strife. Those days appear to have gone. The so-called Free World is not characterised as free any more. Cancel culture has meant that sanctions are placed on people arbitrarily at whim, even for not agreeing with errors made by these leaders. This is not good. This is the end of the saltiness of the salt. The salt only gets thrown out when it loses its salt qualities. A shake-up might help, the figs falling like late figs in autumn when the tree is shaken, but it seems to have gone too far for that to make enough difference. To warrant rule by consent there must be a fit for purpose rulership. When rule is no longer by consent then divine forces must determine whether the continuation of this rule is warranted. Divine forces are open to prayer from the believers. The prayers are gathered before the heavenly Throne and their overall savour noted before judgments are cast upon the earth. Let heaven decide, but my own prayers are that something is done to remove the saltless salt, and quickly.

Monday, 25 July 2022

The UK's next PM

 What would it mean for the UK to have a Hindu PM? 'Principle' but what principles? The UK's principles were chosen by our ancestors more than a thousand years ago and we should not forsake them but should establish them and seek to teach them to all subjects of this kingdom: Truth. Kindness. Forgiveness. Equality. Serving God. Right and wrong. Moderation. Sobriety. Modesty. Faithfulness. Persuasion. Hope. Love to each other and to God. The ethics, teachings, principles of Christ. The only hope of eternal life.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Isaiah 6

 Jesus’ statement “He who has seen me has seen the Father” explains the response of Isaiah recorded in Isaiah chapter 6 when he saw Jesus’ glory and spoke of him. He exclaimed that he had seen Almighty God YHWH, even though he had explained that he had seen his Lord (who is Jesus). Jesus is the agency and model of the Father because he is the Son, in whom alone is eternal life from the Father. 

Impersonal Trinity or Personal God

The theological Trinity does not exist in the sense that the Catholic leaders in Nicea agreed on a Trinity. If such a trinity really existed there would be nobody able to give the necessary second independent testimony about who Jesus is. The Father and Son are only one in the way that many believers can be one. They are not one being. They are multiple united beings whose individual testimonies are therefore multiple and verify each other. To have belief in a Trinity is to have a dry impersonal God who is conceptual: Not a single being the adherents can call “My Lord and my God”, but merely an intellectual agreement to endorse an idea. Jesus was sent by God the Father to die to enable his true disciples to believe that the Father is their God and their Father who raised Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. This Father becomes for them their very personal God. This is true spiritual rebirth.

Saturday, 23 July 2022

No more the dry and impersonal God

 Is the God in your religion dry and impersonal? For Israelites since the ancient timers it might have seemed that way. Their God had forsaken them because they first had forsaken Him centuries earlier as a people. They went dark-side then all went dark. No God to defend them from the Assyrian 'military operation' in ancient Samaria, once Elijah and Elishah had been and gone. Elijah might have pleaded for them but God was done listening. No personal god for them now. Until the Messiah came along and spoke to a woman beside a well in Samaria centuries later, 2000 years before today. This Messiah told her that a time of change would soon come and had come when worship would be restored among them towards God in spirit and in truth. No more pretending God was their God, God would really be their God, their personal God to answer their prayers for salvation and personal Lord to obey. How did it happen? Jesus died on a cross as a sacrifice for all that sin and God the Father raised him from the dead. Suddenly God was back. God was with them. God was theirs. Like Thomas when he saw Jesus alive from the dead, belief in God could return as a personal hope and a personal lord. My Lord and My God. This is how it can now be for all who believe: For all who follow Jesus' teachings, believing that Jesus is this Messiah. God becomes your God and your Father because Jesus died for you, and remember this is for a disciple who believes Jesus is the Christ, sent by God for salvation, and holds to Jesus' teachings. It is only if you hold to Jesus' teachings. God becoming your God and your Father is for you a rebirth. You gain a true father you did not have as father before your discipleship. Jesus died for all but it is the disciples of Jesus who benefit by God becoming personally their God and their Father. 

Friday, 22 July 2022

More about eternal life

 How is it that Jesus alone can offer truly eternal life? No other religious teacher can offer this. No leader on earth can offer it. The only god who can truly offer it to us is the God who is the Father of Jesus Christ. This is the king God above all gods, as the ancient origins of Israel and the Jews shows. Yet no other god in any religion can offer eternal life. Only God the Father offers it through Jesus Christ His Son. Why? Why only these? Because it takes the highest form of righteousness embodied in a human who actually has this perfectly right way of living. That is one factor. It takes this person having the highest God, righteous and true, as actual Father who preserves the life of this Son forever so this Son and the Father together can maintain this eternal life which they alone can both have and impart to others. The way they impart it is firstly by persuading followers that Jesus is this one Christ and Lord, and secondly by teaching these followers the teachings which lead to this eternal life if the followers hold firmly to these teachings. Only the Father and Son can offer these teachings with a firm, eternal guarantee of effectiveness, if they are followed. What is more, the Son lived obediently to please the Father perfectly and in that perfected life on Earth Jesus died on a cross as sacrifice to take away the curse of ethical failings of these followers to free them for the life that is eternal, and most importantly Jesus promised to raise these followers, if they become worthy, from the dead in a great day of this first resurrection to eternal, immortal life, aa the Father has first raised Jesus from the dead to live forever. The teachings become all the more effective because a spirit from the Father, the Holy Spirit, is abroad among believers even today to elaborate on the teachings and apply them powerfully and bring more of what the Father gives to Jesus to further aid believing, true followers. The Father works in the believers to further this eternal life developing in the spirit of the believer even though the body keeps ageing and perishing towards death. Jesus proclaimed that he came to accomplish this, as Jesus ministered to the Jews and the Gospel of John records it. Holding to these Gospel of John teachings of Jesus while being persuaded by this gospel that Jesus is this Christ is one way to become a follower and embrace the prospects of this eternal life. Jesus teaches through other apostles and ministers too. It can all be a means of taking in this persuasion and these teachings, holding to them and letting them influence you as you convey the morality it teaches to the wider community of other followers, the ‘church’. Do not, if you value instruction, miss this kind of instruction which alone offers such a magnificent outcome: Life eternal. This is the only way to receive this incomparable benefit, this pearl of immense value and price. It is costly but so worth the cost. 

Eternal life

 Lots of gods are sought after and prayed to and believed in - especially when we consider Hinduism and the like - and yet in all of these there is only one God and His Son in whom is found eternal life. The name, the way, the teachings, the ethics and the reputation and all that the Son of this Most High, King-over-all-gods stands for and represents and lives out forever in action, this is the only name by which there can be eternal life.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

A true prophecy

 “Israel has sinned”, a modern times (30 years old) prophecy from God recalling Joshua 7. The sign given was accurate and precise. What does it mean? The Israel-linked allies should not rush into wars because God will not be blessing it. Wars by the West since 1995 have been marred by failure and loss of Western lives. The sign was an eagle of watchful surveillance overhead, trouble down below, nuclear threat eventually too. Look how sanctions backfire too. Weapons donated probably end up destroyed or black-marketed. In Joshua 7 the sin of the Israelites resulted in deadly, costly, humiliating military failures. Historically the sin of the Israelites of the northern Israelite tribes later known simply as ‘Israel’ (distinct from Judah or Judea) led to invasion by Assyria and a series of tragedies spanning 2800 years till today. God let it happen, not intervening. So for God to recall this by saying “Israel has sinned” is a dire warning. It means God is giving up supporting the people who thought God was on their side, because sin is blocking the diplomatic channels to and from God. So common sense dictates the curtailing of risky military operations until the wound is healed. Woke culture and moral decline make a resolution unlikely for the West. Shock and horror if we have to learn about benign morality from those despised by Western right wing leaders. The West is flying on one engine. Beware. Choose leaders known to God, allied to God and maybe they will have foresight and heal the wound and close the gap. Pray humbly. Not a time for boastful propaganda. Not when nuclear war looms. Consider this a true prophecy. 

Saturday, 16 July 2022

What might bring an end to civilisation?

 What might bring down civilisation? The computer. How can that be? Well computers deal with data. What is data, as distinct from, say, prose or literature? Data is compressed prose.

Think, for example, of a small UK charity publishing the usual record of its Annual General Meeting. It first includes the minutes of the meeting, followed by a table of its annual accounts summary, which can be seen as tabulated data. This data could instead have been written as prose "In the first month of the year, January, we spent £200 on office stationery. In the second month ..." but that would be tedious to write and tedious to read. The table format circumvents the tedium.

The tabulation of data historically preceded prose in Sumerian times around 3500 BC in Uruk where accounts of donations to the temple were recorded with symbols impressed into stone or clay tablets in a table format, and understood by convention. Only around 3000 did prose sentence construction appear to us in the archaeological record of Tel Fara and surrounding towns around 2800 BC, the Fara Period, at which point poetry as well as prose started to be written with symbols on clay and stone tablets. (Examples: Instruction of Sharappak, and the Temple Hymn of Kesh.) So historically the tabulated data idea is very ancient and very well understood and underpins civilisation through all of history in many parts of the world. It allows the recording of financial accounts, for example, and documentation of individual payments. Yet prose is an alternative which is almost as ancient and allows expression of ideas and recording of human sentences, such as the minutes of a meeting. The two have coexisted side-by-side throughout human civilization in most 'advanced' cultures. Arguably the existence of these two forms of writing has brought about civilisation by allowing the persistence of knowledge between generations.

A plausible corollary of this is that civilisation might collapse if both data and prose formats evolve into something which cannot be persisted between generations. This is where computers come in. They have the potential to cause the loss of the ability to read data. They use binary exclusively to store that data. If the world loses the ability to make and use electricity and fossil fuels it would lose the ability to handle all that binary data. A nuclear war could accelerate all this. 

As nuclear war peril looms, maybe we should print data and knowledge considered essential to future generations of civilisation, such as calendars and basic maths, onto sheets of plastic, perhaps by stencil holes rather than perishable ink, and do so worldwide now in case of nuclear war. Making use of the persistent nature of plastic. Before the world loses the ability to read binary and loses the ability to pass down knowledge to the next generation and civilisation collapses.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Choice of leaders

 To know what a potential leader is like, what they are really like, not just what they say about themselves, look at whether they have led their followers into a pit, like the blind do when they lead the blind. If they are like that and you follow them anyway, well, that is on you. 

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

The mind of Christ

 Having Jesus Christ's thoughts on our minds, having his way of thinking as a guide to how we can think, it is underrated. Believing in Jesus Christ and holding to his teachings allows those teachings to form the way we too can think as we gain insight into how he thinks. The Holy Spirit is a real influence too, behind the scenes in dreams and visions and out in the open too in inspired words, and we gain yet more insight into the thinking of Jesus Christ. This is all underrated. We constantly get challenged in life from commentators, comedians, shining lights, teachers on how easily we slip into folly and fallacy in our thinking. They remind us how easily we buy in to the illusions of schemes, new world order ideas, ideologies, Big Pharma, Big Tech, exiled billionaires, even criminal organisations. Yet we underestimate the power of knowing the mind and thinking of Jesus Christ to keep us from these follies. Get to know who Jesus is and what Jesus teaches. It could be your salvation and with your own salvation it could save others too as you influence us. Those in power have great responsibility to learn all this, as we too have in deciding whether to vote for them. So many pitfalls are ahead of us. Will we walk right into them and lead others into them along with us? Christ's thinking is crucial to seeing clearly ahead and avoiding the traps, and maybe leading others away from such a demise.

Thursday, 7 July 2022

UK Leadership July 2022

 The blind UK leaders have led the blind into a pit, like Jesus Christ warned. We now need help from the God who sent Jesus as the World needs to avoid nuclear war. Another leader of the UK leading people into a trench by being blind is too great a risk. Let those who now their God pray that before new Conservative candidates are considered, God will bring it to light whether these are blind hypocrites who do not practice what they preach. Nuclear war is a very dangerous prospect if the leading is by the blind again.  Can we even trust the Conservatives to select a sighted leader though? Not much we can do right now if they don't. All we can do is pray and stay diligently vigilant. This should be a concern for everyone, not just the UK. Look how the leaders of Ukraine were led into prolonging war and shunning peace. Look how the bear was poked.

July 7th 2022

July 7th 2022: So Boris to resign as leader of party. Whose mandate will we want the next leader to have? Zellensky’s? God’s? The country’s? The Queen’s? Prince Charles’? Van der Leyen’s? Time for UK to pray.  Time to involve God. The recess is near. If anything happens during recess, what mandate will anyone have? (None for WW III, I hope.) God have mercy. People: Time to love God with all our hearts, all our minds, all our voices. 

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

High office and power - a lesson in politics

 British politics on July 5th 2022 sad but it did help me understand by contrast the permanent lordship of Jesus Christ. Boris the PM just sacked influential, important partner of the PM for Brexit, Gove. I asked myself: What if HM the Queen reinstated Gove? It would not happen of course, but what if the Queen made Gove a replacement PM? This would make Gove very strong indeed in standing as PM. The sacking would only add gravity to it. Now I move my thoughts to how Jesus got not sacked but literally crucified by the powers of Rome and the Jewish high priest office in Jerusalem, first century AD. Yet God raising Jesus from the dead reinstated Jesus to such a strong standing, as more than PM, as Lord and Christ. The promotion of a man to office of PM by a monarch is impermanent because the monarch is impermanent, mortal. God is eternal. So Lordship given Jesus by God raising Jesus His Son from the dead after crucifixion cruelly curtailed his life, this is permanent, eternal, supremely glorious. Thank you Mr Johnson for helping me understand how power works in high office. 

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

The Western Course of Action in 2022

 "Judge not, so that you would not be judged, for with whatever measure of judgment you use, this will be measured to you" --Jesus  Christ. He likewise warned of the blind leading the blind, and all falling together into a pit. Blindness of leaders, Jesus warned, is seen in how they do not practice what they preach.

The world is evidently not listening. It is important to distance ourselves from violence and wars of conquest and aggression but at the same time we must avoid judging others unnecessarily. The Western nations are eager to send a message to Russia that they will not be party to military aggression (woefully inconsistent in this, when you look at simultaneous Western attacks on other countries). I hope the traditionally warlike countries will learn to wind down their eagerness to engage in conflict, and heed Jesus' words that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. "Put away your sword", Jesus told Peter, even though it had been Jesus who had previously told Peter to get a sword to defend against the governmental guards arresting Jesus. Violence is one key way to lose favour with God and to set foot on a path of regret and woe. Yet in an effort to distance from what is perceived as a potentially aggressive, heavily armed nuclear country, the Western powers are forgetting the words of Jesus and are eagerly engaging in inconsistent, hypocritical, lying judgement of Russia and its leader, and are finding that Jesus' warning is true that when you hurl judgment at others, that same kind of judgement gets hurled back at you, not by those you are judging but by the justice of God. The mistaken belief that no gods or supernatural beings exist is leading the blind Western countries into a delusion that invisible forces of justice do not exist - that actions can be taken without divinely driven consequences. This could be the demise of much of the Western world as sanctions backfire and yet the sanctions continue. It takes humility to abandon a foolish course of action - and humility is in short supply among the foolish. We need the wise words of God we find in Jesus. We need a sighted leader.