
Friday, 22 July 2022

More about eternal life

 How is it that Jesus alone can offer truly eternal life? No other religious teacher can offer this. No leader on earth can offer it. The only god who can truly offer it to us is the God who is the Father of Jesus Christ. This is the king God above all gods, as the ancient origins of Israel and the Jews shows. Yet no other god in any religion can offer eternal life. Only God the Father offers it through Jesus Christ His Son. Why? Why only these? Because it takes the highest form of righteousness embodied in a human who actually has this perfectly right way of living. That is one factor. It takes this person having the highest God, righteous and true, as actual Father who preserves the life of this Son forever so this Son and the Father together can maintain this eternal life which they alone can both have and impart to others. The way they impart it is firstly by persuading followers that Jesus is this one Christ and Lord, and secondly by teaching these followers the teachings which lead to this eternal life if the followers hold firmly to these teachings. Only the Father and Son can offer these teachings with a firm, eternal guarantee of effectiveness, if they are followed. What is more, the Son lived obediently to please the Father perfectly and in that perfected life on Earth Jesus died on a cross as sacrifice to take away the curse of ethical failings of these followers to free them for the life that is eternal, and most importantly Jesus promised to raise these followers, if they become worthy, from the dead in a great day of this first resurrection to eternal, immortal life, aa the Father has first raised Jesus from the dead to live forever. The teachings become all the more effective because a spirit from the Father, the Holy Spirit, is abroad among believers even today to elaborate on the teachings and apply them powerfully and bring more of what the Father gives to Jesus to further aid believing, true followers. The Father works in the believers to further this eternal life developing in the spirit of the believer even though the body keeps ageing and perishing towards death. Jesus proclaimed that he came to accomplish this, as Jesus ministered to the Jews and the Gospel of John records it. Holding to these Gospel of John teachings of Jesus while being persuaded by this gospel that Jesus is this Christ is one way to become a follower and embrace the prospects of this eternal life. Jesus teaches through other apostles and ministers too. It can all be a means of taking in this persuasion and these teachings, holding to them and letting them influence you as you convey the morality it teaches to the wider community of other followers, the ‘church’. Do not, if you value instruction, miss this kind of instruction which alone offers such a magnificent outcome: Life eternal. This is the only way to receive this incomparable benefit, this pearl of immense value and price. It is costly but so worth the cost.