“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
-- Jesus Christ
The leaders of the West, its sovereign heads of state, heads of churches, leaders of governments, aristocrats, nobles, parliamentarians, top civil servants, public sector leaders, all used to be salty - having a certain quality of leadership which tended to preserve the West and through them the whole world, from corruption and regression and strife. Those days appear to have gone. The so-called Free World is not characterised as free any more. Cancel culture has meant that sanctions are placed on people arbitrarily at whim, even for not agreeing with errors made by these leaders. This is not good. This is the end of the saltiness of the salt. The salt only gets thrown out when it loses its salt qualities. A shake-up might help, the figs falling like late figs in autumn when the tree is shaken, but it seems to have gone too far for that to make enough difference. To warrant rule by consent there must be a fit for purpose rulership. When rule is no longer by consent then divine forces must determine whether the continuation of this rule is warranted. Divine forces are open to prayer from the believers. The prayers are gathered before the heavenly Throne and their overall savour noted before judgments are cast upon the earth. Let heaven decide, but my own prayers are that something is done to remove the saltless salt, and quickly.