"Judge not, so that you would not be judged, for with whatever measure of judgment you use, this will be measured to you" --Jesus Christ. He likewise warned of the blind leading the blind, and all falling together into a pit. Blindness of leaders, Jesus warned, is seen in how they do not practice what they preach.
The world is evidently not listening. It is important to distance ourselves from violence and wars of conquest and aggression but at the same time we must avoid judging others unnecessarily. The Western nations are eager to send a message to Russia that they will not be party to military aggression (woefully inconsistent in this, when you look at simultaneous Western attacks on other countries). I hope the traditionally warlike countries will learn to wind down their eagerness to engage in conflict, and heed Jesus' words that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. "Put away your sword", Jesus told Peter, even though it had been Jesus who had previously told Peter to get a sword to defend against the governmental guards arresting Jesus. Violence is one key way to lose favour with God and to set foot on a path of regret and woe. Yet in an effort to distance from what is perceived as a potentially aggressive, heavily armed nuclear country, the Western powers are forgetting the words of Jesus and are eagerly engaging in inconsistent, hypocritical, lying judgement of Russia and its leader, and are finding that Jesus' warning is true that when you hurl judgment at others, that same kind of judgement gets hurled back at you, not by those you are judging but by the justice of God. The mistaken belief that no gods or supernatural beings exist is leading the blind Western countries into a delusion that invisible forces of justice do not exist - that actions can be taken without divinely driven consequences. This could be the demise of much of the Western world as sanctions backfire and yet the sanctions continue. It takes humility to abandon a foolish course of action - and humility is in short supply among the foolish. We need the wise words of God we find in Jesus. We need a sighted leader.