
Tuesday, 12 July 2022

The mind of Christ

 Having Jesus Christ's thoughts on our minds, having his way of thinking as a guide to how we can think, it is underrated. Believing in Jesus Christ and holding to his teachings allows those teachings to form the way we too can think as we gain insight into how he thinks. The Holy Spirit is a real influence too, behind the scenes in dreams and visions and out in the open too in inspired words, and we gain yet more insight into the thinking of Jesus Christ. This is all underrated. We constantly get challenged in life from commentators, comedians, shining lights, teachers on how easily we slip into folly and fallacy in our thinking. They remind us how easily we buy in to the illusions of schemes, new world order ideas, ideologies, Big Pharma, Big Tech, exiled billionaires, even criminal organisations. Yet we underestimate the power of knowing the mind and thinking of Jesus Christ to keep us from these follies. Get to know who Jesus is and what Jesus teaches. It could be your salvation and with your own salvation it could save others too as you influence us. Those in power have great responsibility to learn all this, as we too have in deciding whether to vote for them. So many pitfalls are ahead of us. Will we walk right into them and lead others into them along with us? Christ's thinking is crucial to seeing clearly ahead and avoiding the traps, and maybe leading others away from such a demise.