
Sunday, 24 July 2022

Impersonal Trinity or Personal God

The theological Trinity does not exist in the sense that the Catholic leaders in Nicea agreed on a Trinity. If such a trinity really existed there would be nobody able to give the necessary second independent testimony about who Jesus is. The Father and Son are only one in the way that many believers can be one. They are not one being. They are multiple united beings whose individual testimonies are therefore multiple and verify each other. To have belief in a Trinity is to have a dry impersonal God who is conceptual: Not a single being the adherents can call “My Lord and my God”, but merely an intellectual agreement to endorse an idea. Jesus was sent by God the Father to die to enable his true disciples to believe that the Father is their God and their Father who raised Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. This Father becomes for them their very personal God. This is true spiritual rebirth.