
Thursday, 7 July 2022

UK Leadership July 2022

 The blind UK leaders have led the blind into a pit, like Jesus Christ warned. We now need help from the God who sent Jesus as the World needs to avoid nuclear war. Another leader of the UK leading people into a trench by being blind is too great a risk. Let those who now their God pray that before new Conservative candidates are considered, God will bring it to light whether these are blind hypocrites who do not practice what they preach. Nuclear war is a very dangerous prospect if the leading is by the blind again.  Can we even trust the Conservatives to select a sighted leader though? Not much we can do right now if they don't. All we can do is pray and stay diligently vigilant. This should be a concern for everyone, not just the UK. Look how the leaders of Ukraine were led into prolonging war and shunning peace. Look how the bear was poked.