Should I be afraid of Russia and potential nuclear poking of the bear that the Western leaders have tended towards? We Christians love each other. "There is no fear in love because perfect love drives out fear ... " Putin has no plan to dominate nations, only to protect Russians, countrymen for whom he feels a responsibility. But if the West chooses to threaten Russia then there are instruments of course to deal with it. The West needs to recognise the responsibility Putin has for those who put themselves in his care. He cannot abandon them to those who would persecute them. Bringing them all into full primary statehood in Russia is best for their protection and for Putin's fulfilment of his sacred responsibility under God in Christ. By his fruits we know him. The West should be shamed by this into backing off from being a monstrous persecutor. The persecuting of believers is the very worst kind of sin. We in the church punish our own.
Friday, 30 September 2022
Neither God nor Jesus are subjected by temptation
Now that it is Jesus and God together in the highest status and position holding us all together, we need to know that neither can be subjugated by evil force, that they are always sovereign and free of such subjugation to be able to keep on supporting us in the faith and righteousness they have given us. It is important that neither Jesus nor God, the Father, can be tempted. Yet for Jesus, temptation involves a different process than it does for God the Father, in that Jesus is human and 'temptable', but does not give in, while the Father is not human and is not subject to fleshly weaknesses and no evil can force Him to give in. Job suffered a lot because God could be influenced by Satan but God did not let Satan influence Him without limiting what He would let Satan do and would not agree to let Satan call the shots in regard to Job. Job suffered as a result of the fact that Satan had God's ear for a period of time but in the end God put it all back to how it was without Satan's involvement, and better than that. For eternal life's sake, we must be assured God and Jesus with Him are not going to be won over by any evil influence and turned against us. We cannot merely take it for granted. Balaam was able to make Israelites sin by sending foreign girls among them knowing they would take these girls and God would therefore turn against them. This almost destroyed the Israelites completely were it not for one who killed a couple in judgment and saved the day. It can be dire. We need both the Father AND Jesus to keep us from being destroyed in similar ways. We always need Jesus' mediation as our Great High Priest. He advises us how to keep at peace with God and helps us do it, helping us overcome temptation, and at the same time intercedes on our behalf with God.
Thursday, 29 September 2022
Actually keeping Jesus' teachings
How realistic is it to actually practice what Jesus Christ taught? For me personally, the basic teachings of Jesus are very much 'keepable'.Although Jesus taught sometimes in riddles or parables, there are many commands he gave which are clear enough to put into practice. Other, more hidden sayings of Jesus require a long time, perhaps years, of pondering and comparing them to what happens in life, to get better insight. This is clearly what he wants us to do. Other teachings are possible to put into action as soon as we grasp their meaning. It is not hard to give to the poor secretly, It is not hard to pray secretly. It is not hard to sell possessions unless you are rich, to give to the poor. I found that practising all of the commands of Jesus really led to him revealing himself and the Father too. His promise of this is kept by him faithfully. Now, faith is tough, believing without doubting is tough, takes a lot of self-control and the word of his grace being preached - but it is not impossible and he was right about its effect being miraculous. So much of the body of teachings of Jesus Christ is readily doable. Even the miraculous teachings are doable. It is a weight lifted. Not as heavy as Torah of Moses which needs a lot of community aspects we cannot reproduce today. Jesus' yoke is lighter. I admit that over the years of trying to carry out what Jesus taught, I sometimes stumbled over certain teachings, until I realised that understanding them literally is not always appropriate since some of his teachings are expressed in idiomatic terms. You need to learn the lesson he was teaching and work out how best to apply it in your life. You do what you can when you can and try to get ready to do things when opportunity arises. For example, feeding your enemy means you first need to have a hungry enemy and some food, so it is about being ready to respond as appropriate. You know what he means, that you should not withhold good completely just because someone is an enemy or not particularly a friend: you give something perhaps less than you would give a friend but you do not completely deny them what they need if they are desperate. It takes time to both understand his sayings and his commands and to work out how to apply them and then to change former habits into something more obedient and wise according to what he taught. This is the best way to act on what he taught. He is an example of his own teachings. He is no hypocrite. He loves those who love his teachings and this love is genuine. The Father too loves such people because the Father gave the teachings to His Son and wants those teachings observed and recognises the love we have when we observe them and He honours it. Ultimately this all leads to eternal life because Jesus Christ is now Lord with all authority and able to make our lives eternal and able to raise us from the dead. It is the will of God who sent him.
What is God like?
What is God like? He is a person who sets two laws in the hearts of those He chooses. The law to look out for the needs and concerns of others, averting their distress, helping them enjoy a fulfilled and righteous life. The law to love Him, your God, with all of your heart and soul and mind and with your voice too, so you use your voice to tell His commands to others. This is the God who calls Jesus Christ His true, beloved Son and gives the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name. This is the God who says "I am God" and judges the nations righteously and fairly and who has appointed His Son to do the same. This is the God whose spirit has been working these things out for millennia and has told of the glory of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in whose name Nature functions day after day. This is the God whose temple is being built from the lives and bodies of those who have this persuasion which God Himself inspires. This is the God who sent His Son to be crucified to bring us to Him and who raised His Son from the dead and seated His Son at His right hand in glory. This is the God whose Son will come again to raise the dead who believe and give to all the worthy believers the gift of immortality. This is the God who has given His Son to be fully human so that he can fairly judge all those who share that humanity, on the last day, before the endless eternity begins when God and His Son will live forever together with those He has created as new living immortal righteous beings, children of God. This is the God who gave the inspiration to our predecessors to write out the holy scriptures which teach us that these things are true.
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Great project
Great when you are starting a project in a company which will breathe new life into those involved in it. You get the go-ahead and immediately you face the challenge that you need to announce this project to get people involved in it who will benefit from that involvement and this is the purpose your company asked you to do it. Well that is nice. It means communication is essential, though. Jesus Christ was doing something just like this, along similar lines. His project was the will of God who sent him. His mission was given God’s go-ahead and he needed to tell people because their involvement would breathe into them new and actually eternal life. The commitment of Jesus continues today, and always. He will even raise up from the dead those involved. This was guaranteed by raising Lazarus and then, after Jesus was cruelly crucified by his persecutors, rising from the dead personally, all by the life-giving power and personal working of God who sent him. It is a foretaste of his bringing later the full resurrection of his followers who are found worthy, who wisely do what Jesus gives instruction to do, staying always with the program to the end. Never quitting. No wonder Jesus announced it so enthusiastically. It irritated his peers, other leaders, no end. They got so irate that they became the persecutors who crucified him together with leaders from Rome. Yet it did not stop Jesus going through with this eternal life-enabling work, teaching us all who listen and believe and hold with hope to his teachings. Miracles accompany those teachings still today as Jesus works still and the Holy Spirit takes his workings out to many who follow wherever they live in the world. That is how powerfully God spreads this gracious work. It all reveals that God is real and is truly loving and kind, wise and powerful, able to save, able to do so forever unto eternal life.
Monday, 26 September 2022
When we get a taste of heaven through the gospel, when we hear it preached, we learn that Christ died for us, to lead us to God.
Back then
What was it that entered the world when Jesus Christ started preaching? Something was introduced back then. Lazarus was raised from the dead back then. Jesus Christ died and rose again back then. This should be a clue. Yes, resurrection, and with it the prospect of eternal life. No small thing. It all changed. The benefits of listening to what Jesus started teaching back then and understanding it and learning to actually carry out those instructions, those benefits are immense. Eternal life. The prospect of resurrection. Not to be missed.
Thursday, 22 September 2022
Hope for Britain
I am hoping that as God is included in our making of our United Kingdom king, as Hosea 8:1 -4 tells us (see below), and God becomes more a part of our national power system, we will see less of what Hosea 8:1-4 laments and more of what happens when we leave Babylon the Great and have God as our God and ultimate leader.
Hosea prophecy in the Bible, chapter 8
1 “Put the trumpet to your lips!
An eagle is over the house of the Lord
because the people have broken my covenant
and rebelled against my law.
2 Israel cries out to me,
‘Our God, we acknowledge you!’
3 But Israel has rejected what is good;
an enemy will pursue him.
4 They set up kings without my consent;
they choose princes without my approval.
With their silver and gold
they make idols for themselves
to their own destruction.
If ordinary, non-Na*i, people in the West knew what violence their governments are now supporting in places like Donbas, would they personally support this violence and wickedness?
Do some worthwhile digging
We die. We are still conscious. We remember our living relatives. We can appeal to spirits of saints in that state. Where will we spend this time before the final resurrection and judgement? Can we do anything now to help us then? Find out these teachings taught by Jesus Christ. It could well be worth the effort.
“Extending Russia”?
What did Rand mean by ‘extending Russia’? “Extending Russia: Competing from Advantageous Ground; This report examines a range of possible means to extend Russia” Is that an Americanism? There is no explanation in the infamous report of “extend”. Stretching Russia? Like stretching an elastic band until it breaks?
Necessities Sept 2022
22 Sept 2022. Yesterday Putin drew attention to the necessity of being thorough in defending Russians in Donbas from barbaric mistreatment and persecution. It leaves him no choice but to fight on, increase numbers of troops and put all weapons at military disposal rather than betray the DPR and LPR people. The leaders in the West who deny this necessity are blind, or just plain immoral.
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Deadly sins?
On the day of very deadly strikes killing civilians of all ages of in Donbas, are UK, US and EU politicians and military commanders and militia committing deadly sins? If so, prayer for them is useless. It is sin that ends in death.
Monday, 19 September 2022
God save our king
Holy Spirit confirming to my spirit in the Queen’s funeral that Charles is my king through God. Hosea 8:1 shows the importance of God being involved in who becomes our king. This can save us all from nuclear war and from a dystopian police state future.
Sunday, 18 September 2022
Lord over the household of the One True God
We who are aware of being in a household over which Jesus is the Lord, the house’s master, are not in a position to reject kingship of a monarch just because we have Jesus as our Lord. It does not work that way. We can still submit to a monarch, as Jesus submitted to Pilate and to Caesar. A household master under Caesar still submitted to Caesar just as the servants and children and slaves of the house submitted to Caesar. Having a lord, a master over their household, did not negate the submission to Caesar, and we show proper submission to a monarch in addition to submitting to our Lord, Jesus the Christ, as we ought to do. There is no conflict of loyalty, except of course when our duty to God supersedes our duty to mere men. Being commanded by mere human leaders, albeit monarchs, if it causes a sin against commands of God, we must obey God rather than men, but normally we can submit to both. No need to say our acceptance of having Jesus as our Lord means no king is acceptable. Being in a household with Jesus as its lord, albeit a mighty great household, that of the Father, the Almighty, does not negate the possibility of also having an earthly king. Not at all. Rather our master expects and commands us to submit to a monarch if they are established by God.
No enduring city
Those regenerated by the Holy Spirit, freed from bondage of lies and lying, have no enduring city for God to heal it, but we build the kingdom we have been entering and the temple of God that in Christ we are becoming. We build it with our God-given tasks and our prayers prayed in spirit and truth. All by the blood and body of our Lord and Master over this house of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. To the glory of God his Father who sent him.
Saturday, 17 September 2022
The Eternal Spirit
The Eternal Spirit
When Jesus spoke back in the first century, the Spirit by which he spoke was a wellspring of life and it later welled up in his disciples. Yet this was not only the same Spirit welling up today, but from my own witnessing of this first hand in a pentecostal church a few decades ago, the same Spirit also spoke through a prophet known as Enoch three thousand years before the gospel record events of Jesus Christ. My testimony of hearing Spirit words is that they said almost exactly the same things as I later learned Enoch had prophesied five thousand years earlier, around 3000 BC. So truly, i know first hand, this is an eternal Spirit, by which Jesus also spoke, giving life to the world.
If we let him
Maybe Satan really exists. Satan was not a god mentioned frequently in ancient writings but Egyptian god Seth is described in similar ways. Do we say that Seth exists? No. I have not heard that said. Lots of people say Satan exist, though, mainly I think because Jesus spoke about Satan as a real being. In our consciousness, yes we might accept Jesus as authority on such things but do we let that filter into our modern thinking? I admit to holding some things in scripture at arms length until I get reasons to really take it on board. With this one we see a lot of behaviour persisting in even the most morally robust areas of society such as our lawmakers, top judges, royals, PMs and top diplomats, which is behaviour akin to pro-murder hatred, anti-ethnic group lies couched as propaganda 'in the national interest' and this is like the behaviours Jesus called Satanic. I thought such things got filtered out by our institutions and HR departments as people rose in the hierarchies of power. If they reappear I find myself giving credence to the teaching that a hidden being is behind it, fostering it, raising people in these ways to murder and lie. Society fails to stamp it out because a powerful hidden being keeps on bringing it back invisibly in our leaders and also in us, if we let 'him'.
Fighting in Ukraine 2022
Ultimately this special military operation by Russia could end the Ukrainian bombing of Donetsk civilians and could establish a truer way for separatists to gain rights to live normal lives. Kiev presumed the right to separate but did not allow that right to others. The West should be forced to accept that if Ukraine can separate then so can Donetsk, there should be fairness when ascribing political rights to self-determination. Russia wants a fairer world than the West typically provides. Self-determination rights must be applied fairly without favouritism. That is a great goal even for a military operation like this. We should minimise how we resort to military violence, or any violence, remembering that those who live by the sword will die by the sword, but given good reason and faced with ongoing killing of compatriots year after year, a ruler of compatriots in suffering might have no choice.
Saturday, 10 September 2022
The Dabela
Prophecy from 3000 BC tells us, with help of confirmation from Christ two thousand years later, that nations will be hawkish in the last days and attack sheep righteous from all sides and above until those sheep cry out and their lambs cry out in anguish but older sheep will not hear them. The wolves and lions and hyenas attack them and the eagles and hawks and ravens bomb them from above, pecking the lambs until they cry out. Only a he-goat, a billy-goat, a dabela, will heed them and stand up to save them. The billy-goat will be given a sword for protection of them. All those predators will turn on him all at once. He will defend some sheep and the sheep will start turning to him. They will get courage and strength from him. Yet the predators will come against him but fail to stop him. At last he will lift his voice to heaven for help and the Lord of the sheep will come down to help him in front of the frustrated predators. Sounds like someone today. Sounds like the predators are those we were told by propaganda were the sheep. No they are the predators.
Dabela the billy goat
There is a scripture rejected by the Western churches which I believe called the Book of Enoch and it foretells someone so, so very much like Putin that I wonder whether the rest of what it says about him is about to come to pass. If you know the Book of Enoch you might know who I mean, described there. The 'dabela' in Ge'ez language (the language the scripture is preserved in by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church). The billy-goat among the predators, defending sheep but a bit more rough than a sheep and yet not like the predators. If this is Putin, and believe me, the description of the context of this foretold person and the person himself seems an exact match, then we are perhaps very close to seeing Christ return. Perhaps just years or a couple of decades away rather than several decades. It tells how the sheep cry our under constant attacks from the air and from around them and he defends them and then it says that all the predators, wolves, lions, hawks, eagles, they will all try to stop him and will hate him and fail to stop him, even though it seems like the whole world is turning on him as he defends the oppressed sheep from these predatory attackers. Then he will lift up his cry to heaven and the Lord will come down and save him in the eyes of the whole world. Then there will come the end and the powers of heaven allowing this oppression will be judged by the Lord. This prophecy ties in with the millennium rule of Christ because it comes a thousand years before the final judgement. Could this mean Putin will live to see Jesus come and that Jesus will be helping him by his coming? It seems a plausible interpretation of the prophecy to me. Jesus loved the Book of Enoch and called it scripture which was essential to know if you want to escape being in error.
Why did Putin lose Izyum? I suspect Putin lost some moral 'karma' when he failed to attend Gorbachev's funeral. Such 'karma' (for want of a better word) really does matter a lot in this kind of situation.
The ups and downs of a monarch
Look how in scripture we are warned that even rising to the top and having wisdom from God, we can still badly fall. There was Solomon and how his life turned out. There was Josiah. Look at Moses. There was Uzziah. Even Hezekiah was shown by God's test to be a bit selfish and untrustworthy. So, when a life of devotion is lived by a monarch, there can be things done which, especially when done at the end of a long life when they should know better, they can go the wrong way and die for it. Even Moses died because he failed God in what might to us seem a small way. God is holy. He expects a lot of those in power, especially those whose lives He sustains and nurtures. But the rewards are great if service is good and overall God weighs what we do at the end of time when all is said and done.
The crossroads
Now that the UK has gone it alone and left the EU, I find the USA is hugging up to us. "Will you go it alone and without us too?", they appear to be intimating. Well the USA seems to be where the 1930s and 1940s German leaders got their leadings from. And where the arms and money is going from the USA today indicates no major shift in ideology. So for the man in the street who was brought up hating racism and abhorring the Holocaust, it is not a cosy relationship to foster. "I met Jesus at the crossroads," went the sogn of my youth, "Where the two roads meet. Satan too was standing there and he said 'Come my ay. Lots and lots of pleasures I can give to you this day". But I said No, There's Jesus here and he says "Come my way. Down there your sins forgiven. Up here a home in heaven" Praise God that's the way for me.
The new N word
The new N word is four letters long. Nations are using it to defend against loss of territory. Especially in Eastern Europe, this is the main strategy for many. Behind this word there were mass killings of first thousands of Jews, Russians, Poles, Gypsies, in the 1940s, then Poles in the 1950s. Thousands upon thousands daily until it reached millions. Not all were prosecuted for doing this, most were allowed to go unpunished. Some carried on after release from prison and from Siberian exile after returning home. They started groups. The USA and NATO funded the building up of this revival to defend Eastern Europe territories. Possibly the love of this N word in the USA, UK ruling classes and NATO has fed this monster. Now it is out of its cage and still being fed. Where will it go? What will it do? Who will suffer, be tortured, be inhumanely killed? You?
O Leaders of the UK
Oh the dear leaders of the UK. None of them could do it. Only the later Queen could teach the teachings of Christ and the commands of the God who sent him. The Brexit reset was not completed because it should be, still can be, a reset towards God. Not a reset towards Europe and the West and the new world order. The Brexit that was done was done. Leading up to it David Cameron was bold and courageous enough to call on religious believers to be more vocal about their faith. Then he quit. Those who took over either had not faith to shout from the rooftops or lacked the wisdom or the courage to announce it and proclaim the teachings of God. We need the vacuum left by the EU membership to be filled. We truly need it filled with hearts devoted to God and to His teachings given through His Christ, His Son, the Lord who is Jesus. The Queen, God bless her soul, as able to do this but her voice was dimmed with her age. The monarchy owes it to God to be vocal about Him and teach His ways to the wayward, Brutish Brits that we are. This country needs God. Vitally. Maybe desperately as winter approaches. Where are the leaders who will boldly teach God's commands and Christ's sayings which all are from God? Who will fill the Queen's holy shoes? We are under a cloud of war and mushroom clouds. We need to give God some love, on a national scale. Set an example to the world. Love God with all your hearts and all your souls and all your minds and all your VOICES! Be Great Britain again!
What is wrong with Babylon?
What is wrong with how Europe produces the West's shiny wealth and luxury? What is wrong with how it buys up luxury from the world's suppliers and merchants? What is wrong with its priorities? What is wrong with the civilisation and world order based on the vestiges, the remnants. of the heritage of Rome? What is wrong with the city of power in the midst of modern Europe which goes back to Europe's roots in the Roman Empire? What is wrong with the powers who trace their lines of the right to rule right back to the powers of the prince electors of the Roman Empire whose power originated in Rome? Well the wealth, the luxuries, the opulence it still today gives to the West and beyond is all at the expense of bodies and souls of people. It does not draw the line in a moral place. It lets people die to produce the trade, and lets the essence of what a person is like, their character and who they are, get enslaved in the process of producing such wealthy and luxurious and opulent products. It throws away the baby and keeps the baby's bath water, so to speak. This is what is morally wrong with the world order based on the heritage of the ancient city of Rome. That is why we needed Brexit and still need to leave this Babylon today. That is why we need God's ways to displace Babylon's ways.
Friday, 9 September 2022
The end of a peace
Sadly this is probably the end of a peace. HM Elizabeth II was probably the reason for many to stay relatively peaceful. This will probably change. Those holding back violent tendencies and dispositions are probably no longer feeling the pacifying, restraining influence of HM Elizabeth II. We have had seventy, eighty years of relative peace in Europe itself and the West, probably associated strongly with her reign.
Sunday, 4 September 2022
Christ in us the hope of glory
Somehow the Messiah concept is burned into folk-knowledge and oral tradition of our society. People use the word in phrases like "he was a Messiah-figure" and people know what it means. Yet formal definitions are lacking. Simple lexicon translations like "Anointed One" do not say much because anointing is not a major feature of our daily lives and general knowledge. When the UK monarch is anointed it is done behind a screen so there is no film of the Queen being anointed to which we can refer in our minds in the UK. As for Christ in us, or Messiah in us, it is not something any translation can help us to understand or lexical meaning. Really the anointed concept seems to be about divine approval. So it is the divine equivalent of official or definitive truth and teaching and authority. Hence we can have divinely approved knowledge of truth and hope of salvation. It overflows from our Messiah himself. We share in his approval status if we share in him and are permeated with his teachings and authority and hope of salvation (his name Jesus means salvation so definitive divinely sealed truth is that our salvation is at hand). The sealing of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit is a heavenly sign of approval of being in Christ. When we see the Holy Spirit gifting us it helps us realise that heaven has directly laid a seal of approval on our state of being persuaded of the truth from God Himself. It is the ultimate status and recognition greater than any approval mere humans can give. Having this heavenly, God-Himself-given, seal, bestowed by Jesus the one approved above all others, is the greatest recognition anyone can have and it is a source of hope like none other. Not everyone can be sure they have this seal of the Holy Spirit. It is a great gift. Many rely on being associated with others who have it, yet even that is a source of hope, that they can know that those teaching them are themselves heaven-approved teachers. In the UK we have gas boiler workers who have to be registered and tested to gain a certification to allow them to fix domestic boilers. It is a bit like that. We have people with Messianic approval from the Messiah and from the Father among us or we ourselves have that seal of approval and so we have assurance of hope. Really folk-knowledge tells us a Messiah figure is one whose approval is such that it gives genuine hope to all this person's followers that they will be utterly safe to follow this Messiah and will experience salvation as a result. That is the kind of status we get when we trust in and follow Jesus, holding to his teachings.
Saturday, 3 September 2022
The moment of redemption
At the time of his death by crucifixion, Jesus of Nazareth was numbered with the criminals. Unless you really knew what was going on by closeness to Jesus, you would merely think Jesus was at last being recognised as a criminal and was being punished severely for it, along with others who had been convicted as thieves. It was a sad moment for those who knew him well, seeing how others would be regarding him, unable to affect what was happening, with death the only outcome on the horizon. Today it still happens that saintly people end their days as one of the criminals. It is sad that we do not know whether this is just or not. We just have to go along with what is unfolding. There are others who are justly numbered as criminals. Yet another unusual event is when one of the criminals, justly convicted and punished justly but severely, has a last minute moment of redemption. They suddenly gasp out that they recognise in that deadly ordeal that one is convicted with them who in fact did no wrong. This happened alongside Jesus on the cross next to the cross of Jesus. A thief cried out at the last hour of his life that Jesus did not deserve this and was surely there as part of the mystery of the will of God and kingdom of God and would soon be restored rightly in that kingdom. He begged Jesus to remember him when this happened, believing death was surely not the end for Jesus. Jesus was still, blood in his eyes, able to recognise this miracle of grace happening in this thief's life and he affirmed it and promised the thief that he would share the imminent Paradise experience with Jesus after they died. Still today there are moments to be recognised when those numbered rightly with the criminals and coming to a criminal's end eventually, nevertheless have a redemptive moment of recognition of the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God in Jesus the Christ and reach out to him in this moment of belief. The times are terrible as criminality takes hold of so many lives and determines their nasty ends, yet there will be moments of persuasion as people are strongly persuaded to reach out in faith to God's own faithful and true word, the Christ. Watch for this redemption taking place. Seek it for yourself. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and will be so forever. The Lord you see, it is Jesus.
✝ The good news of God: Jesus will raise his disciples from the dead to live forever.
Nowadays we need hope. Wealth is obviously hopeless right now. Try prayer.
A good time to get away from West dependency: God's a better bet, don't forget.
Realising Jesus must be alive is an epiphany. Find the Lord out there. It is Jesus.
Jesus can help us find peace with God, but if we go too far, Jesus will judge us too.
Focus on love and remember to include the poor in your love: There you find God.
If you find Jesus and you find God, the Holy Spirit will find you.
A quiet private place is a place to pray. Do not waste it. It is treasure.
Even without a Bible, you have the best of its teachings in your mind. Heed them.
Soon people will see that Jesus is the Lord out there, but get to know him now.
Do not despise the truth that Christ died for you. That cross is what you need.
Jesus rose from the dead so you can rise from the dead too, to live forever.
Amazing what Jesus did. Miracles! But he says you can do them too if you believe.
If Jesus picked up a Bible today he'd ask: Where's the rest of it? Find and read it.
Don't worry what words might mean. Being persuaded of the truth is more important.
There is one, individual spirit who alone is God who never fails. Jesus is His Son.
God and His Son are gonna have family around them forever, raised from the dead.
If we tell lies, we speak the language of devils. Learn the language of heaven.
If we hate without good reason we have become as murderous as devils. Manage anger.
Get into the family of God and of Jesus by baptism and persuasion. All one united.
We know there is lots of sin today because there is such a hawkish threat of war.
Science tells of planetary orbits and cycles of Nature but Jesus is behind it all.
To fear God is to shun evil and then your protection will be angelic.
Let the Lord Jesus be your umbrella: His faith your protection from the storm.
God's family is based on persuasion that Christ died for all and therefore all died.
God actually withdraws mercy when those receiving it fail to show it in turn to others.
Spiritual warfare: Do not let courts be used to convict people just for their race.
Envy and provocation
So the USA is trying to force Russia to over extend itself. Envy and provocation is the strategy of the USA, and it has even seen the light of day in various RAND publications. The big mistake, which will, apparently, bring down the USA and its 'West' followers, is to think that the truth about the situation and the risks of the provocation strategy are merely propaganda. Unfortunately this is short-sighted. God seems to be ensuring that Russia is given by heaven itself the land wherever it sets its feet, like God promised to Joshua in scripture. The envy by the USA of this success and heavenly blessing is driving this strategy the USA is tragically implementing, a strategy of provocation. There may be another heavenly purpose to all this to judge the haters and the children and followers of the perpetrators of the 1940s and 1950s Eastern Europe atrocities. If the UK is unable to extricate itself from these USA plans it could be about to be destroyed.
Thursday, 1 September 2022
To the UK Kurdish Chancellor and the UK media
As the UK media contemplates desertion from their anti-Putin support and struggle, as counter-offensives start to fail, the UK government Kurdish Chancellor has to warn them of the cost of doing so. It looks like the anti-Putin powers that be are now calling the shots within the UK government itself and not just the deeper public sector and related industries. Irrespective of corruption and losing battles this fighting must, it seems, go on, no matter whether God is on Putin's side. Anything else would be too costly for deserters. The only off-ramp is full-blown repentance, but that means little to the apostate UK establishment who left the following of God back in the pandemic and followed first the science and now the gods of the Vikings and their neo-paganism. Woe, Woe, Woe. But Christ died for all, the just for the unjust, to lead us to God. Take heed UK chancellor, UK media, UK people. Christ Jesus who died, crucified for sins, is alive to help those who truly repent and turn to God. This faith might seem foolish, but what other hope is there. This is the time to love God first, who first loved us. To look to God for hope and to His son the Lord Jesus Christ and to love the believers whatever their nationality or race. Irrational racism can pit people against not only against believers of that race who have God protecting them in love, but against God Himself. Time to repent. Time to turn to God for leadership and for sight to see in order to lead rightly, fairly and safely. Time to believe in the Son of God, sent by God, who died for sins and lives again to ever help those who seek God and seek God's right way of living. Let God send the signs to follow this message.