
Saturday, 3 September 2022

The moment of redemption

 At the time of his death by crucifixion, Jesus of Nazareth was numbered with the criminals. Unless you really knew what was going on by closeness to Jesus, you would merely think Jesus was at last being recognised as a criminal and was being punished severely for it, along with others who had been convicted as thieves. It was a sad moment for those who knew him well, seeing how others would be regarding him, unable to affect what was happening, with death the only outcome on the horizon. Today it still happens that saintly people end their days as one of the criminals. It is sad that we do not know whether this is just or not. We just have to go along with what is unfolding. There are others who are justly numbered as criminals. Yet another unusual event is when one of the criminals, justly convicted and punished justly but severely, has a last minute moment of redemption. They suddenly gasp out that they recognise in that deadly ordeal that one is convicted with them who in fact did no wrong. This happened alongside Jesus on the cross next to the cross of Jesus. A thief cried out at the last hour of his life that Jesus did not deserve this and was surely there as part of the mystery of the will of God and kingdom of God and would soon be restored rightly in that kingdom. He begged Jesus to remember him when this happened, believing death was surely not the end for Jesus. Jesus was still, blood in his eyes, able to recognise this miracle of grace happening in this thief's life and he affirmed it and promised the thief that he would share the imminent Paradise experience with Jesus after they died. Still today there are moments to be recognised when those numbered rightly with the criminals and coming to a criminal's end eventually, nevertheless have a redemptive moment of recognition of the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God in Jesus the Christ and reach out to him in this moment of belief. The times are terrible as criminality takes hold of so many lives and determines their nasty ends, yet there will be moments of persuasion as people are strongly persuaded to reach out in faith to God's own faithful and true word, the Christ. Watch for this redemption taking place. Seek it for yourself. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and will be so forever. The Lord you see, it is Jesus.