
Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Great project

 Great when you are starting a project in a company which will breathe new life into those involved in it. You get the go-ahead and immediately you face the challenge that you need to announce this project to get people involved in it who will benefit from that involvement and this is the purpose your company asked you to do it. Well that is nice. It means communication is essential, though. Jesus Christ was doing something just like this, along similar lines. His project was the will of God who sent him. His mission was given God’s go-ahead and he needed to tell people because their involvement would breathe into them new and actually eternal life. The commitment of Jesus continues today, and always. He will even raise up from the dead those involved. This was guaranteed by raising Lazarus and then, after Jesus was cruelly crucified by his persecutors, rising from the dead personally, all by the life-giving power and personal working of God who sent him. It is a foretaste of his bringing later the full resurrection of his followers who are found worthy, who wisely do what Jesus gives instruction to do, staying always with the program to the end. Never quitting. No wonder Jesus announced it so enthusiastically. It irritated his peers, other leaders, no end. They got so irate that they became the persecutors who crucified him together with leaders from Rome. Yet it did not stop Jesus going through with this eternal life-enabling work, teaching us all who listen and believe and hold with hope to his teachings. Miracles accompany those teachings still today as Jesus works still and the Holy Spirit takes his workings out to many who follow wherever they live in the world. That is how powerfully God spreads this gracious work. It all reveals that God is real and is truly loving and kind, wise and powerful, able to save, able to do so forever unto eternal life.