
Sunday, 18 September 2022

Lord over the household of the One True God

We who are aware of being in a household over which Jesus is the Lord, the house’s master, are not in a position to reject kingship of a monarch just because we have Jesus as our Lord. It does not work that way. We can still submit to a monarch, as Jesus submitted to Pilate and to Caesar. A household master under Caesar still submitted to Caesar just as the servants and children and slaves of the house submitted to Caesar. Having a lord, a master over their household, did not negate the submission to Caesar, and we show proper submission to a monarch in addition to submitting to our Lord, Jesus the Christ, as we ought to do. There is no conflict of loyalty, except of course when our duty to God supersedes our duty to mere men. Being commanded by mere human leaders, albeit monarchs, if it causes a sin against commands of God, we must obey God rather than men, but normally we can submit to both. No need to say our acceptance of having Jesus as our Lord means no king is acceptable. Being in a household with Jesus as its lord, albeit a mighty great household, that of the Father, the Almighty, does not negate the possibility of also having an earthly king. Not at all. Rather our master expects and commands us to submit to a monarch if they are established by God.