
Saturday, 10 September 2022

The ups and downs of a monarch

 Look how in scripture we are warned that even rising to the top and having wisdom from God, we can still badly fall. There was Solomon and how his life turned out. There was Josiah. Look at Moses. There was Uzziah. Even Hezekiah was shown by God's test to be a bit selfish and untrustworthy. So, when a life of devotion is lived by a monarch, there can be things done which, especially when done at the end of a long life when they should know better, they can go the wrong way and die for it. Even Moses died because he failed God in what might to us seem a small way. God is holy. He expects a lot of those in power, especially those whose lives He sustains and nurtures. But the rewards are great if service is good and overall God weighs what we do at the end of time when all is said and done.