
Saturday, 3 September 2022


 ✝ The good news of God: Jesus will raise his disciples from the dead to live forever.

Nowadays we need hope. Wealth is obviously hopeless right now. Try prayer.

A good time to get away from West dependency: God's a better bet, don't forget.

Realising Jesus must be alive is an epiphany. Find the Lord out there. It is Jesus.

Jesus can help us find peace with God, but if we go too far, Jesus will judge us too.

Focus on love and remember to include the poor in your love: There you find God.

If you find Jesus and you find God, the Holy Spirit will find you.

A quiet private place is a place to pray. Do not waste it. It is treasure.

Even without a Bible, you have the best of its teachings in your mind. Heed them.

Soon people will see that Jesus is the Lord out there, but get to know him now.

Do not despise the truth that Christ died for you. That cross is what you need.

Jesus rose from the dead so you can rise from the dead too, to live forever.

Amazing what Jesus did. Miracles! But he says you can do them too if you believe.

If Jesus picked up a Bible today he'd ask: Where's the rest of it? Find and read it.

Don't worry what words might mean. Being persuaded of the truth is more important.

There is one, individual spirit who alone is God who never fails. Jesus is His Son.

God and His Son are gonna have family around them forever, raised from the dead.

If we tell lies, we speak the language of devils. Learn the language of heaven.

If we hate without good reason we have become as murderous as devils. Manage anger.

Get into the family of God and of Jesus by baptism and persuasion. All one united.

We know there is lots of sin today because there is such a hawkish threat of war.

Science tells of planetary orbits and cycles of Nature but Jesus is behind it all.

To fear God is to shun evil and then your protection will be angelic.

Let the Lord Jesus be your umbrella: His faith your protection from the storm.

God's family is based on persuasion that Christ died for all and therefore all died.

God actually withdraws mercy when those receiving it fail to show it in turn to others.

Spiritual warfare: Do not let courts be used to convict people just for their race.