
Saturday, 10 September 2022

What is wrong with Babylon?

 What is wrong with how Europe produces the West's shiny wealth and luxury? What is wrong with how it buys up luxury from the world's suppliers and merchants? What is wrong with its priorities? What is wrong with the civilisation and world order based on the vestiges, the remnants. of the heritage of Rome? What is wrong with the city of power in the midst of modern Europe which goes back to Europe's roots in the Roman Empire? What is wrong with the powers who trace their lines of the right to rule right back to the powers of the prince electors of the Roman Empire whose power originated in Rome? Well the wealth, the luxuries, the opulence it still today gives to the West and beyond is all at the expense of bodies and souls of people. It does not draw the line in a moral place. It lets people die to produce the trade, and lets the essence of what a person is like, their character and who they are, get enslaved in the process of producing such wealthy and luxurious and opulent products. It throws away the baby and keeps the baby's bath water, so to speak. This is what is morally wrong with the world order based on the heritage of the ancient city of Rome. That is why we needed Brexit and still need to leave this Babylon today. That is why we need God's ways to displace Babylon's ways.