Jesus taught that God, the Father, is an individual person, an individual being, distinct from the Son and distinct from the Holy Spirit. Likewise, the Word/Son is a distinct person, a distinct being. Likewise the Holy Spirit. We can be happy that this is all true, because Jesus is the one who mediates for us with God. We can be happy that Jesus is this way to the Father. We can be happy with what Jesus teaches and himself does, like we too can do if we believe and do not doubt.
Sunday, 31 March 2024
Saturday, 30 March 2024
Knowing people
Knowing people is crucial. We might think it is vital to know a person’s theological position. Yet many do not really have a position like that. Many belong to groups which are not defined by a theological or doctrinal position. We can still know them. We can do good to them and see what happens. The outcome can give us knowledge about them: Whether they have the love of God in their hearts. Many surprise us. People we thought were on a pathway of success turn out to not have the love of God in their hearts. Their path will become a downward one of deterioration, as the road they walk goes unmaintained and eventually crumbles under their feet, even when they think they are high and dry. Then we are surprised when those who, rather like the Good Samaritan of the famous parable of Jesus, are to our minds theologically hopeless or ignorant, yet we find they love God and it shows in their actions. Their pathway might look doomed and dying but it will be a pathway of resurrection. We might be unknown but we can know people. We can know their love for God, or lack of it.
Thursday, 28 March 2024
Looking ahead at the twenty first century
For believers looking ahead in the spiritually revealed times of the twenty first century: The easiest decade or two are the ones coming but it might be like the nineteen thirties and forties. Then it starts to all go South, so to speak. Apocalypse starts to kick in. People start looking for bunkers or building them. Rich and world leaders. Poorer ones too. If we are alive twenty years from now we might be wishing we weren’t. We need to prepare our children and especially our grandchildren. New empires will rise twenty years from now. Middle East/Balkans. Europe getting stronger, and dystopian. People starting to leave European free market, like Brexit. Then more apocalyptic things happen building up to an Armageddon war maybe around 2045. Fall of Europe. Fall of Israel. Huge global mega earthquake like a magma shift. Catastrophes never known in modern world history. Population of world reduced by thirty to fifty percent. Around 2050 it starts to get to be global totalitarian regime. 2050 onwards best to not be around. Only with Christ’s return around 2060 does dystopia start to end. Resurrection. Heavenly beings responsible for persecutions of last 500 years all get judged and disposed of. Spiritually blind religious folk likewise. Things get scary but better as causes of sin are eradicated at last. But lots of judging happening too. So the next decades might seem bad but “you aren’t seen nothing yet”, as they say.
The Source
Jesus is neither a Pharisee, nor a Sadducee, nor a Catholic, nor a Protestant, nor a Muslim. He gets his light direct from the Father. Direct. As we see in the Book of Revelation. If we have the Holy Spirit we have to get used to this. The Holy Spirit does not take from Pharisee, nor Sadducee, nor Catholic, nor Protestant, nor Muslim to give to us. The Holy Spirit takes from JESUS and gives to us what God gives to Jesus himself directly.
Building the Temple
We are each of us given a task when we believe and it all goes towards building God’s temple if we do it well. I hope what I do is part of that. God will wait till the end to judge my work. I just hope it is not in vain, badly done. The Temple is His glory, if we build it true and right in love. When the Spirit called me to it, he gave me these words, to confirm the command “Build the temple”: the words of confirmation were from 1 Chronicles 17: 16-17 ‘Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said:
“Who am I, Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And as if this were not enough in your sight, my God, you have spoken about the future of the house of your servant. You, Lord God, have looked on me as though I were the most exalted of men.”’
Turning it around
At a time when we live our lives against a backdrop of threat of terrible escalation of war, and it sometimes seems that nothing goes hidden from the eyes and ears in the sky of surveillance by governments, we must dig deep and rediscover our love for God, lest sin determines our future. Back to what He says. Back to teaching it to our children. Back to putting up those gospel posters of His teachings. This is the day of salvation, when we get a reprieve in which to turn it around before the darkness creeps in and makes any turn around impossible. “Israel has sinned”, says the word of the LORD.
Perception of the otherwise unperceived
Perception. How do we perceive the things of heaven? How do we learn to focus on such things? How do we set our hearts on them? Perception of God and the Son and the things of heaven and the Holy Spirit, this is not for us to achieve but for God to give. God Himself enables perception of the otherwise unperceived. We do not perceive God but rather God makes us perceive Him. Likewise His Son. Likewise the Holy Spirit. So how can we pursue all this? What is up to us? It is up to us to love God and keep the things Jesus and the Holy Spirit reveal of God and the teachings they have given of the commands of God. Keeping these things, preserving them, setting them where we see them daily, seeking understanding of them so we can obey them with true understanding, this is love for God. Then God Himself will make us perceive Him. Likewise the Son. Likewise the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
The way to be saved
Jesus Christ died physically so we don’t have to have our spirit die, even if we physically die. And if we physically die, he died so we can rise from the dead to live forever. He lives, forever alive from the dead, to save us by grace. The grace of Jesus Christ is released from heaven to those who believe.
The purpose of this grace is to set us free by leading us to quit sinning. Then we find solace in the others who are in this grace too. It involves confessing to each other. It involves admonishing each other. It involves disciplining each other. It involves hoping for each other to quit sinning and continue not sinning, and encouraging each other to go this way and stick to the teachings and belief that leads to freedom from sin. Sometimes it involves dealing quite harshly with those who never quit sinning, perhaps too far into drunkard ways or drug addiction or violence and crime. It might mean handing them solemnly to Satan by shunning them in holy assembly with Holy Spirit present in name of Jesus Christ. Dealing with sin is a lot of what Christ brought into this world. Faith is there throughout, and hope and love. Even the worst case of having to shun a disciple can mean hope for their spirit if they body dies. This is all part of the gospel. It is not a sign on the dotted line and lo you are saved, no. It is a way that leads to salvation through tough lessons and lots of mutual support. Some go too far and lose that hope. Some never start to truly follow and these die in their sins. Some never believe in truth and these die in their sins. Those who do not die in their sins because they do believe and do follow the teachings in Christ Jesus, these are saved but often the hard way.
Christians believe and get baptised, intending to hold to the teachings of the way of Jesus, then often it happens that they get pulled into sinful behaviour by bad characters. People sometimes get targeted precisely because they are trying to quit the ways of the world. The people of the world do not like to see others trying to escape those ways. So they end up in alcoholism or drugs or violence or fraud or money laundering or this or that. It does not mean they were insincere in seeking to follow the way of Christ. But now they might get so deeply engrossed in sinful behaviour that no amount of admonition or discipline helps them get out of it. In some cases the only answer is to get punished by the devil and die. This way at least their spirit is saved. Christ is still the answer for them but as judge and presider over their judgment. They still die in Christ. They believed. They were baptised. They followed the teachings. They tried to escape the ways of bad behaviour, but the odds were too much against them and they fell, but Christ can help save their spirit by providing for mortal punishment of their body which saves their spirit. Try to turn them from the world ways if they are trapped, but be careful in case you are pulled in as well. Not everyone is equipped to help. Even those equipped might fail in some cases. Look how probation officers and social workers sometimes fail. Evil is strong.
How do we know all this? How can we be sure? (John chapter 8.) The miracles of Jesus Christ are a manifestation of the testimony of the Father. Now the Holy Spirit testifies too. The gospels are an account of the testimonies of apostles and other disciples. There are of course others now that Jesus is in heaven and has access with the Father. I am not sure Moses and Elijah were witnesses long term in the sane way as the apostles who spent years living and walking and working with Jesus daily. John saw him die on the cross, so did Mary. They all saw him alive from the dead. Yes, it is human testimony as is Jesus‘ and John the Baptist’s too. But it is not a testimony of humans only pleasing themselves but truthful because it is to please the Father.
Tuesday, 26 March 2024
The final stage of the ministry of the Christ
Jesus Christ needs not only to save by his blood, his word of testimony and his power. There is also a need to remove things that cause believers to sin. He warns that those bringing into existence the things causing believers to sin will be better off having millstones around their necks and being cast into sea. Yet he needs to do more than warn. Clearly many people are ignoring his warnings. Look at all the drugs, the sex traps, the propaganda and lies, the idolatry (especially if a believer lives in idol worshipping countries as many do), the witchcraft, shamanism or sorcery pulling in believers, the knifings and gun crime violence zones, many believers having to grow up in such areas. It all causes sin. He needs to remove these things. This means coming to judge, for a long period. That is part of his ministry as Christ restoring righteousness fully. Believers need the causes of sin removed. Soon he will start on this globally on huge scale. (Even Satan will be shut away for that time.) Then Jesus Christ will himself be subjected to the Father, to God. Then God, the Father, will be all in all.
Monday, 25 March 2024
Subjected to God the Father
Note: ‘all power’ does not include the Father when Jesus said “All power is given unto me”. All things being subjected to Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul clarified, does not of course include God the Father Himself. 1 Cor. 15:27-28 says “For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.” See how Paul, while clarifying this, clearly refers to the Father as ’God’ and not Jesus as ‘God‘. He states it clearly that rather than Jesus being God, Jesus is in fact given authority by God, and will be subject forever to God. The God who is all in all, Paul states, is not Jesus but the Father.
Saturday, 23 March 2024
A key truth: multiple testimonies about Jesus
A key truth found in scripture, found in God, is the legal independence of the witnesses needed by Jesus. Testimonies about who Jesus truly is are a legal requirement and at least two or three independent witness testimonies are needed. The Lord Jesus is faithful and true as his own witness because he seeks to please the Father more than to please himself. The Father is another witness. Another witness only if the Father is another being, another individual, able to give a testimony about His Snn which is separate from and independent from the testimony of His Son. Third witness about the Son is the Holy Spirit. Independent as a witness giver. Independently testifying alongside the Father and the Son. A separate and independent being, else the testimony would not be valid. Then the apostles. These have their own independent thoughts and opinions, such that they too can give testimony each one about the Son they were with for years and knew well. Their unity is not anything that undermines the individuality of their testimonies each one about their Lord, Jesus Christ. Each testimony is needed. Each testimony is independent, as it comes from an independent individual. Each is legally valid. Two or three are necessary according to the laws of God and of His Son. Jesus taught that one testimony is his own, another is the Father’s, and these are the minimum needed by the law. A third is the Holy Spirit’s now that the Holy Spirit us given by God. The others are those of the apostles recorded in the gospels. All necessary.
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Works coming from the action of grace within do lead towards salvation
“… [Paul] emphasises that grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ, is far more effective in producing good works than strict adherence to the law. Paul argues that trying to earn salvation through works of the law ultimately leads to frustration and failure because no one can perfectly keep the law. However, when someone experiences God's grace and receives salvation through faith in Christ, they are transformed by the Holy Spirit, enabling them to live a life characterised by good works out of gratitude and love for God. Grace empowers believers to live righteously in a way that the law alone cannot achieve.” (ChatGPT) So we should not abandon works. Those works produced in us by grace are what we need to lead towards salvation. Example: (ChatGPT again) “Luke's account in Acts does indeed mention that the Centurion was practicing prayer and almsgiving before hearing the gospel and believing. This highlights the idea that God's grace can be at work in people's lives even before they hear the gospel or explicitly profess faith in Christ. It doesn't contradict Paul's message about works because Paul also acknowledges that God's grace can prompt good deeds in people's lives, even before they come to faith in Christ. These acts of righteousness are not the basis of salvation but can be evidence of God's work in a person's heart.”
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
The name
In ages past there was the time when angels fell and evil flourished. God sent the Flood. Fast forward 3000 years and the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, a human saviour sent by God. Yet the name of this Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit says, is that name by whose power the trees put forth leaves and planets orbit stars: How can this be for one who only came into the world so late in time? The angels who fell, more than five thousand years ago were a chaotic threat to order of Nature because it tempted other angels to follow, undermining the authority God had provided for governing Nature, undermining angels’ resolve to honour their pledge to maintain the order oridinances of God which kept the seas within limits. Angels and the ordinances of God hold back the winds from destroying trees and life by becoming too strong. This name of the Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed among angels in ancient times long before he came is part of the power by which the ordinances continued to be honoured by angels and the influence preventing more angels from deserting their duties. Yet the apostles of Jesus Christ appear to have learned even more than this. The power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in causing trees to continue to bud each spring goes back long before the falling of angels, back to the beginning, because it is that powerful word by which all things are held together and creation was created, the word through which God made all things. The obedience of Christ Jesus and salvation in his name is what makes it all worth while and upholds order and rightness in Nature. This is the name by which we must be saved.
Godlike people
People can become godlike. Gaining qualities of strength and wisdom and care about others can mean such people are often sought out for help. Parents are godlike to their children. Children when young often think of their parents as infallible sources of information and inexhaustible sources of provision. They later find this to be not quite true. They find their parents make mistakes, run out of money, fail in many ways. Jesus became godlike, especially when his disciples witnessed that he had risen from the dead. Yet Jesus taught that the Father, his heavenly Father being, is godlike in a true way, a way you never find out later wasn’t quite true, but godlike in truth more than anyone else, in a unique way. The One True God. Nobody else is like this. Not even the Son, Jesus. Jesus has limits and needs help from this his Father. It is best to be aware that the Father is accessible through Jesus and can actually be prayed to directly, and is greater than the Son. So Jesus taught his disciples this because they would need it. It seems the apostles believed that the only difference between the godlikenes of Jesus and that of the Father is one of degree. The degree is far greater with the Father, to the extent that it is so complete in the Father that Jesus calls Him the One True God.
Tuesday, 19 March 2024
The One for you?
Understanding whether Jesus is God or Son of God or in some sense both, this is not all it entails to believe in him. We need to believe he is the one for us, the one appointed by God to represent us as our defence attorney with God, trusting he is the one to mediate, hoping in him as our representative with the Father, as the one who will turn us to righteousness. It is personal. Will you let him represent you and lead you through the Holy Spirit into upright living and fulfilment of the Father’s will? He died for you. He lives forever. He is at the Father’s side.
The Gospel Message (ChatGPT)
“In addition to repentance and belief in Jesus Christ, the gospel message also calls for adherence to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught about love, compassion, forgiveness, and service to others. He showed us how to live a life that honors God and reflects his character.
Therefore, as followers of Jesus, we are called to follow his example and strive to live out his teachings in our daily lives. This means seeking to love our neighbors as ourselves, forgiving those who have wronged us, and serving others in humility and kindness.
Jesus also taught about the importance of faith, prayer, and obedience to God. He called us to trust in God's plan for our lives, to pray regularly for our needs and the needs of others, and to obey God's commands as a sign of our love for him.
By adhering to the teachings of Jesus, we not only honor him, but also experience the fullness of life that God intends for us. We can find joy, peace, and purpose in serving God and others, and we can have the assurance of eternal life with him.
Therefore, the gospel message invites us to not only believe in Jesus Christ, but also to follow his example and teachings. By doing so, we can experience the transformative power of his love and grace, and live a life that honors God and blesses others.” (ChatGPT)
Monday, 18 March 2024
The kingdom of God (summarised by ChatGPT 3.5)
“Overall, the kingdom of God, as depicted in Jesus' parables, is a realm of grace, transformation, justice, and responsibility, where all are invited to participate and experience God's love and mercy.” … “Paul's teachings complement Jesus' parables by emphasizing the centrality of faith in Christ, the unity of believers, the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, the reality of suffering and glory, and the mission of advancing the kingdom through ministry and service.” … “Overall, calling it the "kingdom of God" encapsulates the divine sovereignty, eschatological hope, relational aspect, contrast with earthly kingdoms, and prophetic fulfillment associated with God's reign and rule in the hearts of believers and ultimately over all creation.”
— ChatGPT 3.5
Calling on the name of Lord Jesus Christ
When you phone emergency services which number do you call? It depends on your country. But trusting in the name of the fire brigade is essential if your house is on fire and trusting the emergency services number, whatever it is in your country, can be a matter of your salvation. God saves but from sins too. Through His Son’s name.
The original gospel
Paul the apostle witnessed Jesus alive in the famous Damascus Road experience, quite a while after the crucifixion of Jesus. People sometimes witness Jesus alive even today, but do not know as well as Paul did about Jesus dying on the cross. Only a few disciples of Jesus actually saw the crucifixion, and only John went on to write about it as an eyewitness. Paul probably never actually saw Jesus being crucified but he would have known all the facts about it very well because he was a leading figure closely connected to the Pharisees of Jerusalem and met many believers (initially to persecute them) and was a citizen of Rome so he would have good knowledge of everything taking place in Jerusalem, including the crucifixion of Jesus and the stories circulated by the Jews about it, and the resurrection accounts preached by the followers of Jesus. So for Paul to see Jesus alive could mean only one thing to him, that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead. He called this his gospel, which he preached fearlessly after seeing Jesus alive, along with the message that salvation is available to all through faith, not just to those who followed Jewish law. Those who preach the gospel today have to rely on the testimony of apostles such as Paul about Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Even those who witness Jesus alive today in some personal experience of him still rely on testimonies of early apostles who saw him alive and who knew closely the facts about him being crucified and dying. It is therefore vital to the gospel today to preserve scriptures which recorded these things.
Saturday, 16 March 2024
A challenging question
Do those who say Jesus is God, Jesus is Yhwh, even Jesus is the Father, do you ever wonder why the gospels do not say this? Not even John’s gospel where it speaks about the Word. Why do they vast majority of verses in the New Testament never get close to saying it, even when the opportunity was right there, such as when Jesus was accused of saying it by the Jews? Even verses which some claim do suggest it are almost without exception unreliably translated, controversially copied and translated. Ever wonder why? Never does the New Testament set of scriptures ever include phrases like ‘God the Son’. Why might this be? Yet everywhere it is stated plainly that the Father is God. Why is that? Even Jesus plainly calls the Father, ‘the One True God’. Everywhere Jesus claims to be the Son of this Father, the Son of God. Would he make this clear if he believes he is actually God? When Jesus is speaking of the Father as the One True God he emphasises that he himself, Jesus Christ, is sent by this One True God. When accused of implying he is God, again he emphasises that he is sent by God the Father. Why is this? Is he lying? Did he get it wrong and theologians in later centuries who never met him get it right? Did you who never met him get it right?
Thursday, 14 March 2024
A prayer
May God the Father forgive us as we forgive others and sustain us with tasks to do and with the Holy Spirit to do them.
May the Lord Jesus Christ give us eternal life as we believe in him and adhere to his teachings.
May the Holy Spirit be manifest among us and share with us the things God the Father shares with Jesus His Son.
May the word of God from the mouth of God the Father sustain us better than bread alone.
May each of us who believes forgive each other so that we in turn may be forgiven by God the Father and be united together like God is united with His beloved Son.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
All things held together
Because God the Father involved the Son in some way in how the Father created all things (perhaps God’s foreknowledge and predetermination of what Jesus would one day be, perhaps God’s word of this), it effectively means that in some sense Jesus existed way back then. Even if only in the thoughts of God. God wove this into creation and so the name of Lord Jesus Christ and the power of his name existed woven into all Creation right from the start of all that God made. Of course there is more to it and it is not all revealed. Some is mystery unless God intends to reveal it. (Note: by ‘God’ I mean the Father throughout.) There were possibly other ways in which the world around us owes its existence to the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, such as in preserving the world of Nature from the evil impacts on its governance by angels when some angels fell, but the impact on Nature of his name goes right back, scripture seems to imply, to the very beginning when Creation first began in the hands of the Father. This seems to be what is meant by the word of the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and its glory of having held all things together.
Knowledge of Creation
In Revelation the claim is made that Jesus was given visions by the Father to pass on to his disciples, hence how the book of Revelation was made. This implies Jesus on his own does not have huge knowledge, such as one might have who made all things. He needs the Father to show him things that he can then pass on as revelations to his disciples through the Holy Spirit’s activities, manifestations and charismatic gifts. In 1 John the writer tells disciples that they do not need anyone to teach them because the anointing (Holy Spirit activities, manifestations and gifts) teaches them all things. Clearly this “all things” is not literal. It clearly means all things pertaining to salvation and a godly life. So knowhow that a Creator would have, though clearly present with God the Father, perhaps to some extent among angels responsible for creation governance, perhaps on a need to know basis according to tasks and responsibilities, there is no evidence of the Son having it too. This implies any ways the Son or his name and character and righteous achievements were an influence or driving force or motivation in the original work of Creation and subsequence governing of Nature and its order, these involvements did not include anything which would equip the Son with direct personal knowledge of Creation but rather his knowledge and wisdom were given to him while he was alive and was “growing in wisdom and stature”.
Public separated from Private
We each of us have a private mind and a public mind. We separate out things we are willing to speak of openly from things we keep private. God separated out that which He would speak of openly and incorporate into His Word which later became flesh and lived as Jesus Christ His Son.
I count four
Why do people only count three? I actually think we could count four. The Father. The Son. The Holy Spirit. But then there is still the Word of the Father. The Word has become flesh, and appeared as the Son, Jesus, but there is still the Word spoken by the Father. The Son has not replaced it. It is still the Word of Yhwh. Even at the baptism of Jesus we have all four. The Holy Spirit descending on Jesus. That is two. The Father then spoke from heaven. Three. But then there the actual words spoken by the Father which is what people heard. Four. Sometimes the word of Yhwh seems to have a mysterious origin. It comes to a prophet from out of the blue and it just is. Maybe not even to a prophet. The writing on the wall in the book of Daniel: no clarity where they came from, only a hand writing them, then those words were just there on that wall. They have their own existence. The word from the Father’s mouth, it just is. So I count four.
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Creation and Christ
Did Jesus personally participate in the Creation in any sense? Jesus never mentions black holes in words of Jesus on the record today. The is no evidence he knew anything about them, back in the gospel days as he walked among the people of the first century. How about today? Jesus said the Father shows the Son all things. The Holy Spirit takes from these things and reveals them to believers through manifestations we call spiritual gifts. I personally remember how the Holy Spirit mentioned planets in a tongues message which the Holy Spirit interpreted in church a while ago; not black holes though, just planets and stars. It all comes from Jesus and Jesus gets it from the Father, not as a result of any personal part in the original creation. If Jesus himself personally did anything to participate in the original creation he would not need the Father to tell him about such things. Jesus himself said that the Father reveals to him what Jesus knows and the Holy Spirit reveals it on from Jesus to believers. Jesus is shown what he needs to know by the Father. When Jesus in the flesh fed five thousand with a few loaves and fishes, he did not know the structure of fish cells or the molecular makeup of everything in the bread. He probably did not even know the bread recipe or the exact strain of the yeast which was present in the bread. It was all done for him by God: God the Father, the Creator.
Tuesday, 12 March 2024
No other name
What is the true scale of our sin: We who are covenanted to God? Can it be solved by any justice system? Is it too great for that? Courts of justice might be part of the cure. They have limits. In our hearts are testimonies our consciences have against us. International courts do not see our hearts. The sin must be huge in its scale, perhaps beyond such courts. Our families who maybe know us well might be the only ones to have the keys to judge us. Perhaps they shun us as they discern our individual part in the sins going on. It must be huge in its scale overall, judging by the fallout coming from God in judgment of us all. The skies above many of us are watching us daily, watching our internet use, surveilling our governments, monitoring our communications, tracking us in our cars, on our phones, in our shops, on many a street corner, in speed cameras or just keeping a CCTV record of our comings and goings. This is not in vain. The eagle is a sign of trouble, of readiness to punish and convict, of hidden generals who might in their hawkishness be planning our demise. It is the eagle of war. The eagle of justice. Looming explosions are the norm already for hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters, young and old, and we might be next. God is not mocked, we reap what we sow. Yet this scale, a global scale and yet with local effect, can such sin be repented of to turn things around? Love God more wholeheartedly and give full voice to that love, such that His commands are known and revered and obeyed by ourselves and by our children: But is it working? Are things turning around? Is sin reduced enough to avert what comes next? Still wars continue. Only with God can there be peace. There is hope in the obedience of Jesus Christ to his God, his Father’s commands and will. We have seen many fall away, but obedience is possible for us humans. If we believe Jesus is human and still obeyed it means we might obey God and live. This name of Jesus, his character of obedience in love for God his Father, is inspiration to keep us from falling. It is possible for humans to not fall, because he the human Christ did not fall. Only this can save humanity today. No other name.
The right time
Let’s not pretend the West and Russia are at war. It is a dangerous pretence we can do without now. Respecting each other’s sovereignty while hoping for cooperation can achieve more with greater safety. We have gone to the brink and yes there is a scary drop over that cliff edge. We know it now. Now we can step back and trust God to turn us all around.
Divination using Bibles
There is a common superstition among Protestants that is like divination. It is an idea of Received Text which says that if we have a version like Geneva Bible or KJV which was known in the circles of Protestant founders then God must have intended it. That is like a divination. It is a superstition that somewhere there is a version of the Bible which is predetermined by God and can be used for doctrine just because God intended it that way. In my view this is no better than palm reading.
Saturday, 9 March 2024
The Logos question
Before Jesus Christ came in the flesh, there was the Word, the Logos. Miraculous events happened by the Father on behalf of this Logos, through this Logos, like they did on behalf of Jesus and through Jesus when he came. They also happened on behalf of prophets such as Elisha: for these people and through them. Yet the Logos was there behind the scenes, even in events behind the formation of planet Earth and its living things. Today we have things like AI chat systems where huge amounts of wisdom are compressed into a single file which can answer questions or run a robotic machine or automobile. God put the full blown repository of His wisdom and knowledge of salvation and eternal life into Jesus Christ His Son. He foreknew and foreordained all He would show His Son and teach Him and pour spiritually into him. Is the repository of His wisdom before Jesus came found in what came to be called the Logos, which became flesh as Jesus Christ? Our awareness of how AI can be achieved should tell us that God can certainly do more than humans can do. This way all things might have come into existence through and for this Logos.
Friday, 8 March 2024
At least two or three testimonies
There are three that testify. Actually more than three. Some people like three as a number, to suggest completeness of the testimony. Two or three witnesses are required, both in Old Testament Law and New Testament apostolic teaching. Let every matter be resolved by two or three witnesses. Jesus was challenged by some Jews who said he only testified for himself. He answered that two testimonies, as the Law required, were his own, plus that of the Father whose miraculous works given to Jesus were themselves the Father’s own testimony. It can only be true, of course, if Jesus is a completely distinct person and being to the Father. Later the Holy Spirit was given to Jesus’ followers. This Holy Spirit is another testimony. Three is even better than two. But hold on. Three is just the beginning. Then there is the individual testimony of each one who spent time with Jesus, directly experiencing his life and teachings and miracles. These gave testimony too. True testimony. Even today some of us have also enough experience of Jesus to be required to testify. Each one testifying is an individual person, a distinct being, free to think and speak and write independently and therefore giving valid testimony of what we each know is true, knowing it first hand, not from hear-say. Each testimony must be from an individual being. If these testimonies did not exist, well in John 8 it tells us Jesus’ testimony would still be valid, like that of John the Baptist, because he did not serve self-interests but only to please the Father. Yet the full three witness testimony requirement needed in the Law, laws echoed in the apostles’ teachings, is satisfied, Jesus said (John 8:18) by the Father being a separate testimony to that of Jesus Christ. Father is not the same being as the Son. We all need to be free to think and speak and act independently for our testimonies to be valid. That includes Jesus and also His Father, God. Otherwise Jesus was not being fully honest in John 8:18, and we know he abhors lies which he had just stated are of the devil. So Jesus did not lie. Those who follow him find this out. Believe his teachings, even if they contradict your theological stance.
Thursday, 7 March 2024
What is the true name of the Messiah?
People often ask what is the true name of the Christ. Usually this is expected to be answered with some esoteric etymological debate about Hebrew spellings. However, I literally heard it spoken in angelic tongues at church once, back in the nineties. I was given interpretation of what was said in the spirit as “the Lord Jesus Christ”. I certainly only remember the English translation, not the angelic sound of it. I do recall how majestic the angel language sounded. Majestic, sublime, eloquent. Unlike any earthly language. Obviously from heaven. Obvious too was that the spirit communicating the interpretation to my mind intended me to know it in English as above stated. Clearly this suffices, as far as God’s counsel is concerned, and matters of salvation and of eternal life. I have even held someone’s hand who was seriously injured and uttered it silently, and they have fully recovered unexpectedly rapidly. It is sufficient. It is the person behind the name, the owner of the name and his character and authority and Sonship to the Father which is what truly matters. The name as it stands in your native language, with which you are familiar, is sufficient.
Feasts of the Jewish Law
By giving believers the manifested Holy Spirit, even those not circumcised in body, God shows the circumcision of the body is not required by Him. Feasts of Law of Jews require circumcision in the body, so they are not intended for these believers who have the Holy Spirit inspiring the spirit instead of circumcision in the body. God works miracles among these believers and gives them the Holy Spirit, not because of the Law but because they believe His genuine gospel message.
Tuesday, 5 March 2024
Properly understanding the divinity of Christ and relating it to others
Only the Father is the One True God. We can be sure about that. Yet when someone speaks, others can say they hear that person. Literally it is not that person they are hearing. It is their voice. “I hear you”, we say. Yet literally we do not hear them, we hear their voice. It is only in a certain sense that we identify a person’s words with that person. With the One True God speaking, Jesus is that word, that voice. Hearing Jesus is effectively hearing God. Furthermore, Jesus is not only the word of the One True God in what he says, but in his very existence. The Word became flesh. It is really pushing it if we say “I hear you, and your word is actually you”. That is confusing if we mean it too literally. Someone creating a video, I might say, “I saw you the other day” meaning I saw their video. But it is not that literally the video is that person. If that person says something illegal, imprisonable, in the video, do we put the video in jail? Of course not. That is too literal, hyper-literal. Jesus has the divinity involved in being the Word of God, but we confuse and maybe we are confused if we insist he is the One True God. It is too literal. It needs qualification or else it is plainly untrue. Yet if we love God, we would also love the one He sent as His word. If we see Jesus and hear him, it is true that in a real sense we hear God and see God, God the Father who sent him, whose word Jesus is. Yet it is not a good idea to say simply and without explanation that Jesus is God. Yet if we are sensible, as scripture writers were, and spell it all out a bit better, we get rebuked for alegedly ”denying the divinity of Christ”. No, we just need to properly understand it and wisely relate it to others.
Monday, 4 March 2024
Ongoing events
General talks to general planning attacks. “Israel has sinned”. Eagle overhead. Generals discuss below.
Sunday, 3 March 2024
Creation and the miraculous
Jesus Christ turning water into wine, and feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes, it all shows miracles are devoid of physical laws and yet this might be how we have the universe we have today. The same miraculous principles involved in the miracles can be described with words “through Jesus, for Jesus” the same words apostles used to describe creation and how the Lord Jesus, the Word of God, was involved in it.
Friday, 1 March 2024
Exploring Divine Concepts: Connections Between Ancient Texts, Jesus Christ, and Creation — by ChatGPT 3.5
In various religious and philosophical traditions, ancient texts and theological concepts provide frameworks for understanding the universe's order, the role of divine figures, and the nature of creation. One such text, the Book of Enoch, contains rich imagery and themes that resonate with broader theological discussions, including the concept of the Son of Man and the divine oath. These ideas intertwine with Stoic philosophy's notion of the Logos, representing the rational principle underlying the cosmos.
The Book of Enoch portrays fallen angels invoking an oath that disrupts divine order, leading to chaos and the birth of the Nephilim. In contrast, faithful archangels invoke the name of the Son of Man to uphold the divine covenant and maintain order in creation. This narrative reflects themes of rebellion, redemption, and the primordial struggle between good and evil.
In the New Testament, Apostle John's writings, particularly in the Gospel of John, 1 John, and Revelation, introduce the concept of the Word (Logos), identifying it with Jesus Christ. John's use of the term "Word" evokes parallels with the divine order and creative force described in ancient texts, suggesting a profound connection between Jesus and the cosmic principles governing the universe.
Jesus Christ's ministry, as depicted in the Gospels, includes miracles that demonstrate his authority over creation. The feeding of the five thousand, for example, showcases Jesus multiplying bread and fish, symbolizing his role as the source of nourishment and abundance. These miracles underscore Jesus' identity as the Word incarnate, through whom creation occurs and divine purposes are fulfilled.
The concept of Jesus as the Logos implies that creation itself is for and through him. In this theological framework, the Creator's act of bringing the universe into being is intimately connected to Jesus' role as the perfect embodiment of divine will and righteousness. Jesus' obedience to God's plan and his redemptive work on behalf of humanity represent the culmination of God's creative purpose.
Central to this perspective is the belief that the Creator's plan for creation includes the restoration of righteousness through Jesus Christ. Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfills the divine covenant, reconciling humanity to God and ushering in a new era of redemption and salvation.
In summary, the exploration of ancient texts, theological concepts, and the life of Jesus Christ reveals profound connections between divine order, creation, and the role of the Son of Man/Word/Logos. These interconnected themes invite reflection on the nature of God's plan for the universe and humanity's place within it, offering insights into the mysteries of faith and the ultimate purpose of existence.
Unraveling Mysteries: Book of Enoch and Divine Concepts in Religious Discourse, by ChatGPT 3.5
“In some interpretations of the Book of Enoch and related literature, there is a concept of a primordial oath or covenant by which creation was established. This covenant is often seen as the divine order established by God, governing the laws and principles of the universe.
… there are similarities between the concept of the primordial oath or covenant in certain interpretations of ancient texts and the Stoic concept of the Logos and the cosmic order. Both ideas revolve around the notion of a fundamental principle or law governing the universe, which maintains balance and order. The Logos, in Stoicism, is often described as the rational principle that underlies and organizes the cosmos, akin to the divine order or covenant in other traditions.
The concept of the "Son of Man" in the Book of Enoch is often interpreted as a messianic figure, associated with judgment and salvation. While the specific terminology and context may differ, there can be parallels between the Son of Man figure in Enochian literature and the divine order or cosmic principles found in other traditions. Both concepts emphasize the role of a transcendent figure or principle in shaping the destiny and order of the universe.
In some interpretations of ancient texts, including the Book of Enoch, archangels who remained faithful to God invoked the name of the Son of Man to reinforce the divine oath or covenant that underpins the order in creation. This invocation could be seen as a way to uphold the principles of justice, righteousness, and divine order in the face of rebellion and chaos caused by the fallen angels. By invoking the name of the Son of Man, these archangels reaffirmed their allegiance to the divine plan and sought to maintain the balance and harmony of creation.
It's possible that Apostle John drew inspiration from similar concepts when writing about the Word in John 1, 1 John 1, and Revelation 19:13. The idea of the Word as a divine principle or creative force resonates with themes found in various ancient traditions, including those discussed earlier such as the Logos in Stoicism and the Son of Man in Enochian literature. John's use of the term "Word" may encompass elements of these concepts while also conveying unique theological insights within the context of his Christian beliefs.
It's possible that Jesus Christ, being deeply rooted in the religious and cultural milieu of his time, was familiar with various theological concepts, including those found in ancient texts like the Book of Enoch and Stoic philosophy. While there's no direct evidence in the canonical Gospels that Jesus explicitly referenced these specific concepts, his teachings often contain elements that resonate with broader themes of divine order, justice, and salvation, which are also present in these traditions. It's important to recognize that Jesus' teachings were primarily focused on conveying his message of love, compassion, and the Kingdom of God, which may have been articulated in ways relevant to his audience without directly referencing specific philosophical or religious traditions.”
ChatGPT 3.5
Echoes of Ancient Teachings: The Renaissance Revival of Knowledge, by ChatGPT 3.5
ChatGPT 3.5 writes: “there are similarities between the teachings described in the Book of Enoch and the areas of study revived during the Renaissance. Both involve a focus on knowledge and skills in areas such as science, art, alchemy, astronomy, and herbalism. During the Renaissance, there was a resurgence of interest in classical learning and a revival of intellectual pursuits, leading to advancements in various fields.”
Truth and Fellowship
If you want to be a career Christian, adopting your local orthodoxy, such as Trinitarian or Unitarian or Oneness might make sense to you, but if you want fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, you might find solace in words of truth which match what you learn from God. The ideal words of truth are those of Jesus and those he makes apostles. If you do mot even keep to Jesus’ teachings, you will not even have this fellowship.