People can become godlike. Gaining qualities of strength and wisdom and care about others can mean such people are often sought out for help. Parents are godlike to their children. Children when young often think of their parents as infallible sources of information and inexhaustible sources of provision. They later find this to be not quite true. They find their parents make mistakes, run out of money, fail in many ways. Jesus became godlike, especially when his disciples witnessed that he had risen from the dead. Yet Jesus taught that the Father, his heavenly Father being, is godlike in a true way, a way you never find out later wasn’t quite true, but godlike in truth more than anyone else, in a unique way. The One True God. Nobody else is like this. Not even the Son, Jesus. Jesus has limits and needs help from this his Father. It is best to be aware that the Father is accessible through Jesus and can actually be prayed to directly, and is greater than the Son. So Jesus taught his disciples this because they would need it. It seems the apostles believed that the only difference between the godlikenes of Jesus and that of the Father is one of degree. The degree is far greater with the Father, to the extent that it is so complete in the Father that Jesus calls Him the One True God.