
Thursday, 28 March 2024

Perception of the otherwise unperceived

 Perception. How do we perceive the things of heaven? How do we learn to focus on such things? How do we set our hearts on them? Perception of God and the Son and the things of heaven and the Holy Spirit, this is not for us to achieve but for God to give. God Himself enables perception of the otherwise unperceived. We do not perceive God but rather God makes us perceive Him. Likewise His Son. Likewise the Holy Spirit. So how can we pursue all this? What is up to us? It is up to us to love God and keep the things Jesus and the Holy Spirit reveal of God and the teachings they have given of the commands of God. Keeping these things, preserving them, setting them where we see them daily, seeking understanding of them so we can obey them with true understanding, this is love for God. Then God Himself will make us perceive Him. Likewise the Son. Likewise the Holy Spirit.