
Tuesday, 12 March 2024

No other name

 What is the true scale of our sin: We who are covenanted to God? Can it be solved by any justice system? Is it too great for that? Courts of justice might be part of the cure. They have limits. In our hearts are testimonies our consciences have against us. International courts do not see our hearts. The sin must be huge in its scale, perhaps beyond such courts. Our families who maybe know us well might be the only ones to have the keys to judge us. Perhaps they shun us as they discern our individual part in the sins going on. It must be huge in its scale overall, judging by the fallout coming from God in judgment of us all. The skies above many of us are watching us daily, watching our internet use, surveilling our governments, monitoring our communications, tracking us in our cars, on our phones, in our shops, on many a street corner, in speed cameras or just keeping a CCTV record of our comings and goings. This is not in vain. The eagle is a sign of trouble, of readiness to punish and convict, of hidden generals who might in their hawkishness be planning our demise. It is the eagle of war. The eagle of justice. Looming explosions are the norm already for hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters, young and old, and we might be next. God is not mocked, we reap what we sow. Yet this scale, a global scale and yet with local effect, can such sin be repented of to turn things around? Love God more wholeheartedly and give full voice to that love, such that His commands are known and revered and obeyed by ourselves and by our children: But is it working? Are things turning around? Is sin reduced enough to avert what comes next? Still wars continue. Only with God can there be peace. There is hope in the obedience of Jesus Christ to his God, his Father’s commands and will. We have seen many fall away, but obedience is possible for us humans. If we believe Jesus is human and still obeyed it means we might obey God and live. This name of Jesus, his character of obedience in love for God his Father, is inspiration to keep us from falling. It is possible for humans to not fall, because he the human Christ did not fall. Only this can save humanity today. No other name.