
Wednesday, 20 March 2024

The name

In ages past there was the time when angels fell and evil flourished. God sent the Flood. Fast forward 3000 years and the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, a human saviour sent by God. Yet the name of this Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit says, is that name by whose power the trees put forth leaves and planets orbit stars: How can this be for one who only came into the world so late in time? The angels who fell, more than five thousand years ago were a chaotic threat to order of Nature because it tempted other angels to follow, undermining the authority God had provided for governing Nature, undermining angels’ resolve to honour their pledge to maintain the order oridinances of God which kept the seas within limits. Angels and the ordinances of God hold back the winds from destroying trees and life by becoming too strong. This name of the Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed among angels in ancient times long before he came is part of the power by which the ordinances continued to be honoured by angels and the influence preventing more angels from deserting their duties. Yet the apostles of Jesus Christ appear to have learned even more than this. The power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in causing trees to continue to bud each spring goes back long before the falling of angels, back to the beginning, because it is that powerful word by which all things are held together and creation was created, the word through which God made all things. The obedience of Christ Jesus and salvation in his name is what makes it all worth while and upholds order and rightness in Nature. This is the name by which we must be saved.