
Thursday, 14 March 2024

I count four

 Why do people only count three? I actually think we could count four. The Father. The Son. The Holy Spirit. But then there is still the Word of the Father. The Word has become flesh, and appeared as the Son, Jesus, but there is still the Word spoken by the Father. The Son has not replaced it. It is still the Word of Yhwh. Even at the baptism of Jesus we have all four. The Holy Spirit descending on Jesus. That is two. The Father then spoke from heaven. Three. But then there the actual words spoken by the Father which is what people heard. Four. Sometimes the word of Yhwh seems to have a mysterious origin. It comes to a prophet from out of the blue and it just is. Maybe not even to a prophet. The writing on the wall in the book of Daniel: no clarity where they came from, only a hand writing them, then those words were just there on that wall. They have their own existence. The word from the Father’s mouth, it just is. So I count four.