
Thursday, 14 March 2024

All things held together

 Because God the Father involved the Son in some way in how the Father created all things (perhaps God’s foreknowledge and predetermination of what Jesus would one day be, perhaps God’s word of this), it effectively means that in some sense Jesus existed way back then. Even if only in the thoughts of God. God wove this into creation and so the name of Lord Jesus Christ and the power of his name existed woven into all Creation right from the start of all that God made. Of course there is more to it and it is not all revealed. Some is mystery unless God intends to reveal it. (Note: by ‘God’ I mean the Father throughout.) There were possibly other ways in which the world around us owes its existence to the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, such as in preserving the world of Nature from the evil impacts on its governance by angels when some angels fell, but the impact on Nature of his name goes right back, scripture seems to imply, to the very beginning when Creation first began in the hands of the Father. This seems to be what is meant by the word of the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and its glory of having held all things together.