
Saturday, 11 May 2024

Clarity Amidst Confusion: Understanding the Scriptural Meaning of 'Son of God', worded by ChatGPT

The Scriptures clearly define ‘God’ within the phrase “Son of God" as referring to the identity of God in Judaism: The Most High God, The Father. Trinitarians, who believe in the triune nature of God, and Oneness adherents, who emphasize the unity of God, equate the concept of divinity with the term 'God'. They then personify this concept of ‘God’ and elevate it to become God in its own right, with terms ‘Godhead’ and, in the case of Trinitarians, ‘Trinity’. This blurs the distinct understanding of the term ‘God’ within the phrase 'Son of God,' The Scriptures clearly define ‘God’ used in the phrase ‘Son of God’ as the identity of God in Judaism, specifically referring to the Most High God, The Father. The conflation of uses of the term ‘God’ leads to confusion regarding Jesus Christ's true nature as the 'Son of God'. It hampers belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and understanding of the Scriptural meaning of this term. Only by God's grace can some overcome this confusion and believe in the true sense: that Jesus is the Son of the Father, the Son of the Most High God. Those who contribute to this confusion should heed the warning from the Lord about causing stumbling blocks for believers: “It would be better for to them be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble”.