
Saturday, 18 May 2024

Voice of God

 The voice of God. “Israel has sinned!” There is a vision of an eagle overhead all black and with a large white eye. The vision says ”This is the sign”. Then the vision shows generals excitedly discussing between themselves. The eagle is up there while on the ground troubles increase. War starts to bubble up. Ominous clouds of huge explosions loom in the background with bombers flying towards you. This is the result and sign of great sin. The covenant is forsaken. Hosea 8 is happening. What can be done? Shout from the mountain top: Love the Most High God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength… AND VOICE. We cannot let sin triumph. We must start again to commit to the new covenant and obey anew and teach anew with courage the commands of God. Our children need for us to give our full voice to our love for God by us outwardly expressing His teachings. Our voice on social media. In classrooms. On posters. Write it in large print. In capitals. The commands God gives. As you are doing now but with the full love of all of your voice. Maybe we can bring about a return to God’s way and God’s truth. Maybe we can avert the wars. Maybe we can make His eagle unnecessary.