
Friday, 10 May 2024

Clouding the truth

Oneness Pentecostalism is quite a straightforward falsification of the core of the truth. Trinitarianism, on the other hand, is more of a muddying of the clear water of the truth. Trinitarianism adds to the word of God. It is a different kind of lie. A lie of addition. “Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” Proverbs 30:6. It adds Neoplatonist philosophical ideas to the words of God’s truth. It adds ’essence of divinity’ as a concept of something that could be passed as if something physical from Father to Son and then adds a deification of this ‘substance’ of divinity, calling it God, as if this use of ’God’ were a proper noun. This is not altogether dissimilar to the concept of divinity in the scriptures, particularly the scriptural writings of John and Paul. It just takes it further and seeks to fit it into a Neoplatonist ontology of terms like essence and substance (hypostasis), and then Trinitarianism makes this resulting concept of divinity into a God in itself: The Godhead.; The Trinity. This undermines the truth of the Father being a distinct being to the Son who is distinct enough that He can bear witness about the Son as a second testimony. It muddies this clarity by regarding the Father and the Son as one being of the same essence. Then it personifies this concept of essence into a Trinity or Godhead and makes this into a new God. This undermines in the minds of its adherents the clarity of the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. See John 8:18, 1 Corinthians 15. We do not know precisely what happened in detail when the Son came in the flesh. Trying to fill the gaps in our knowledge with ideas such as divine substance is possibly where both Oneness and Trinitarianism have erred. ”The words of the wise are like firmly embedded nails. Beware of anything in addition to them.” Ecclesiastes 12:11-14. Both have created a new God: A combination of Father and Son and Spirit. Oneness and Trinitarianism both do this but in different ways. This Godhead or combined Oneness God essence or Trinity God essence is not part of the true gospel preached by the real Jesus and his real apostles. They referred to divinity, yes, but did not personify this divinity and make it the one true God. They clarified it that the Father alone is the One True God to whom all things including the Son will eventually be subject forever. Trinitarianism and Oneness each obscure this truth. As a result they cause new believers to stumble in believing that Jesus is the Son of God by confounding the meaning of ‘God’, replacing it cunningly with alternative concepts of ‘God’. Do not cause these little ones to stumble. Jesus warns strongly against doing so. Jesus is the Son of God. Children of God believe this. And by ‘God’ we mean the Father who is the one true God.