The title ’God’ usually means the God of the Bible, the Most High God. It tends to identify one specific individual because only one can be referred to forever as the Most High God and this is the Father, whose Son is Jesus Christ. Trinitarianism moved the label, moved the ’God’ title. Philosophy was used, pagan Ancient Greek philosophy of famous people Plato, Aristotle, to invent something called the ‘ousia‘ of the Most High God of the Old Testament. This ‘ousia’ was the Greek philosophy word for the innate essential substance, essence of something. The first Trinitarians took this pagan concept and applied it to the Most High God to invent the idea of an essence of this specific God. Then they moved the title ‘God’ from Most High God the Father and gave it to their invented ’essence’, ‘ousia’ (Latin ’substantia’). So, today, when people think of ‘God’, unlike the apostles such as Paul, they no longer automatically think of the Father. They think of an unscriptural concept which some might call Godhead, and others Trinity, or both. For many it is just too confusing to know what to think. So when people think of Son of God they are even more confused. Go one step further and ‘God the Son’ as a concept (again unbiblical) is hopeless. Trinitarians, and Oneness modalists to some extent too, took this essence they entitled as ‘God’ and added either modes or personas to it. Then the Father is relegated from true God to just one of these modes or personas. No longer is He regarded as the Most High God, as God Himself. It is confusing in this paganised gospel whether He even exists. If He is not God, the Most High, what is He? How sinful were the teachers who taught such things and passed them down the generations to us. Give the Father back His true gospel status as the Most High, the one true God, to whom even the Son, Jesus, will eventually be subject forever. Then it means more when we believe that Jesus is the Son of God. It means he is Son of the Most High God. He is Son of the One who forever will be all in all. We can scrap the ‘ousia’. The gospel of the apostles did not need it. The Bible did not need it: It did not have such a concept specific to the Most High God. No need for any shared essence. The essence of divinity is just a general term applicable to any kind of godlikeness, just great might and the right to judge. Like royalty. It is the Father who is exclusively The God. Or as we can say it colloquially, simply ‘God’. The Father is God. Jesus is His Son.