The light of the world came, a human being sent by the Father. Just like us but a light to all. Many grow up in the world never believing in this light. To be unsure there is this light of the world means living without it. Yet one of the out-workings of this light has the potential to be at least a sign to counter unbelief. This is heavenly encryption. In the Old Testament book of Daniel we find the famous cryptic writing called the on the wall, a term well-known in common speech today. This is just one of several heavenly uses of encryption of messages given as signs. In this and other forms the wisdom is two-fold. First there is a heavenly forming of an encrypted message, undecipherable by mere human wisdom. Then, secondly, there is a heavenly gifting of a human to enable them, despite their human incapability, to nonetheless decipher the message. The sign being in two parts, each transcending human capabilities, it acts as a double-witness of its heavenly authenticity and veracity. Yet hold on, anyone could claim to be deciphering the message and could act as an imposter and give a phoney interpretation. In the ancient world through to today this problem was encountered. The Book of Daniel even records this very weakness in the heavenly system. The heavenly use of dreams to convey a message suffers from this weakness. In the Book of Daniel, the king Nebuchadnezzar finds a solution. He asks interpreters not only to tell him the meaning hidden in his dream, the meaning which he feels is there from heaven. He asks them to tell him the dream too. Only heaven could give an interpreter both the meaning of the dream and knowledge of the dream itself. This triple sign would convince the king that the interpretation was genuine. Yet only the king has this heaven-given certainty of the authenticity of the interpretation as being from heaven. In another kind of cipher message there is again the potential for such a triple sign. The message is given from heaven in a language of angels unknown to any human. It is spoken in a gathering. A hearer is then given the interpretation but before they speak it out loud, another hearer or the original speaker also given the interpretation speaks it. For the other person to be given the interpretation it is a sign that the interpretation is true. Yet only they know its heavenly authenticity with full heaven-given certainty. Yet the potential is clearly there for somebody to be assured of the message as being from heaven, not from human imagination or cleverness. This eventuality, this phenomenon, is therefore known to be real by select people who experience the triple sign. Those experiencing the double sign as given the interpretation but without the third sign of absolute assurance, do nonetheless have some assurance in that they can perceive that they received the interpretation genuinely and did not invent or imagine it. Yet they know that the mind can play tricks so they do not have that extra assurance of the third sign to lean on. Those who experience the third sign are in a unique position (or limited circulation position since it might have been that more than one can have the third sign in the case of angelic languages with interpretation). They know the heavenly provenance of the message with certainty. It is for them to pass the message on. So there can be messages given from heaven with certainty analogous to modern encryption and electronic signatures. An example in our times: “Consider the trees. They put forth buds and leaves. They do so by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” I can fully vouch, perhaps uniquely, for its heavenly provenance.