Simplistically putting it perhaps, for better clarity, around 100 to 250 AD Post-Temple Judaism invented a new monotheism to stave off worship of Roman gods, after the Jews lost their Temple and were scattered throughout the world. They needed to support a dispersed Diaspora form of Judaism in a world that worshipped many supernatural gods. They tightened up monotheism so that they replaced their “King above all gods” God (the one Most High God with all other gods potentially really existing but all subject to Him), with a new concept of a God who had no supernatural competitors at all, where it was a monotheism in which no gods even existed or had any importance. Now for these new Pharisee-led Jews in Diaspora there was only one God. So Oneness, Modalism as it was then called, changed the gospel to fit in with this new monotheism of the new flux of Diaspora Jews in exile. To do so they needed to remove the existence of a Son of God, in their new gospel, replacing him with a God with multiple modes, one of which could be Son of God. Some lies would be needed about meanings of scripture verses but they could sell it to the Jews. The Trinity dogma was a similar alternative approach to fitting the gosoel into this new Jewish ultra-monotheism, making it accessible to Jews who wanted there to be only one divine being. Trinity said only one divine being, God, but multiple personas, one of who could be Son of God. Again, lies are needed about meanings of scripture verses but they could sell it to the Jews and even get approval of Rome making it officially stamped by Rome.
Now, two thousand years later, there are no gods of Rome to contend with or compete with. Why cannot we just ditch these alternative modifications of the gospel and quit supporting them with lies, and repent of lying and go back to the light taught by the light of the world, Jesus Christ, and his sent apostles? Lying is Satanic. God, the Father, the Most High God, abhors liars. Heaven is a place for truth. Let us be of heaven, not of Satan.
In this original gospel, the Father is the one Most High God, and all others, even the Son himself, are subject to Him forever.