In the Book of Revelation God utterly condemns lying (ch 21 v8). In seeking to be rid of lying, speaking truth as native language, being one body with brothers and sisters in Christ is important. It is important because speaking truth is most appropriate among neighbors, especially in the body of brothers and sisters in Christ, where you do not lie to those with whom you are one. Yet in the sayings of Jesus and in the Book of Revelation it is made clear that all lying is evil and God utterly hates and condemns all kinds of lying. It is, however, most powerful therapy to break with lying habits, to learn to speak truth to brothers and sisters in Christ, helped by the power of the Holy Spirit. Full of grace, among fellows, lies can be put aside, lying becoming a foreign language, losing familiarity, denormalised, and then even when in unbelieving company the grace and truthfulness in speech can then be continued.