We are encouraged to get to know Jesus. Well today, since the Holy Spirit has miraculous manifestations more pervasive than ever, we have the chance to actually know Jesus - his dispositions, his likes and dislikes. The Holy Spirit makes Jesus known, even more than scriptures alone, although scriptures are a great tool for confirming what the Holy Spirit shows. We can know Jesus better than our teachers. We can know his likes and dislikes better than the Puritans and early Protestants knew his likes and dislikes, because the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are a direct link to Jesus, like a mirror reflection of him. We can even be given awareness of which scriptures Jesus believes in, and here we have more information to help back this up than those early Protestants and Puritans had who selected the books for the KJV Bible. This can give us depth of understanding of scriptures about Jesus. Even in times like the time of the first teacher of Dispensationalism, J N Darby, there were not the pervasive manifestations of the Holy Spirit that there have been since and to some extent still are today, giving light on how Jesus is disposed about things, letting us truly know Jesus’s views on things. Now we can know Jesus better than was available to these past leaders who never knew the miraculous manifestation gifts. We might ask what difference tongues can make. And a lot of what passes for tongues is very dubious. Well among all the dubious utterances, perhaps rare, but there, we can find true tongues messages of mystery of God, which, well, by the grace of God and manifestation of the Holy Spirit can be miraculously translated, like Daniel translated miraculously the writing on the wall. These translations, interpretations, are a window into the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, his wisdom from the Father, from which the Holy Spirit gives us this living water of grace. By this we can gain insights into the wisdom and belief of Lord Jesus Christ himself in heaven. A door nobody can shut. Let it be given to all. Do not quench the fire. Do not cap the well head. On this foundation we can build a newly strong foundation. And we can understand far better, as Jesus himself understands them, the scriptures about him. We can come back to the mind of Jesus himself on what is yet to come. We must believe in him. He is the light of the world sent by the Father. Amen.