Great to be baptised into Jesus’s name and teachings. Hold to his teachings with faith in him, the light of the world. That is how to avoid dying in your sins. We see surveillance everywhere these days, even on the Internet watching our activities. It shows how we are prone to sin and that we do indeed sin so much. It is the sign of our wrongdoing and evil tendencies. Governments have to watch us, because we might, in our sins, harm others and damage society and endanger the vulnerable. They know we sometimes must be stopped, to protect citizens. So we are monitored. Then sometimes there is punishment. Even God might send judgmental events. Jesus presides over it, behind the scenes. Yet Jesus also came to create a way of escape for those who believe the Father sent him, the Son. His teachings, his sayings, his ways, the miracles the Father gives him, all to provide truth-giving light for us to learn, adhere to, and live by. It leads to a far less sinful life, free eventually from sin’s grip. It is up to us to follow, to hold to what Jesus has said, to let it instruct our lives. Far better this, than that we die in our sins. What goes unpunished now, in this life, catches up with us in the next. Jesus died to provide the sacrifice that turns aside the wrath of God against our sins, so God can forgive us, as we forgive those who sin against us. Jesus lives forever, raised from the dead. He ever lives and intercedes for us with the Father, in case we sin, if we are following his teachings. The Holy Spirit is provided too if we ask the Father, and by this power we can be taught not to sin: To speak truth instead of lying, to be humble, to live in the light of heaven, holding to the teachings of the light.