
Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The Ten Commandments and the Holy Spirit

 The Ten Commandments, along with other commands in the Law and the Prophets, ultimately minister death—because we must first recognize our need to die to ourselves in order to become aware of our need for life, the life given by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Ten Commandments and other divine commands may weigh on me, revealing my failures and even discouraging me, yet they remain good. Why? When I hear and believe that Christ died for me, I place my hope in Him for life. As a result, I seek this life through the guidance of the gospel ministry, reaching out to someone who can pray with me and perhaps lay hands on me. Then, through this, the Holy Spirit comes to me. The work I then see the Holy Spirit doing within me—this is the life I now realize I need. Why? Because the commandments first made me aware of my need. So, the commandments are good, and I seek to remember them. I seek to remember all the teachings of Jesus Christ who died for me, in order to remain in him, and to live in reverence for him. Then, joy unspeakable, I now have the ministry of the Holy Spirit within me, giving me life and empowering me to keep the commandments and all of Christ’s teachings.