
Monday, 27 January 2025

Shun false or dodgy doctrines

 Are your denomination doctrines forcing you to lie? Do not set aside your Lord’s teaching against lying for the sake of manmade doctrines. If you are baptised, it is a baptism into the Lord Jesus’s sayings, rather than doctrines you know are false. Jesus commands truthfulness. Jesus could broaden some commands and tighten others. He broadened the false testimony command to forbid all kinds of lying. All liars will be in the fires (see Rev 21:8): We have it on God the Father’s own testimony. Jesus confirms it. Quit the false doctrines and be truthful. Fear God. His angel encompasses those who fear Him to protect them in their troubles. Do not be fearful of breaking with doctrines you know are false. Denominations might cause you trouble for abandoning any of their dodgy and questionable teachings, but they cannot do much more than that. If God condemns your lies, He can do so for all eternity.