
Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Why His Name is Given as 'I am'

God, when asked His name by Moses simply said "I am". In saying He doesn't need a name because He was when nobody else was, the Father, by calling Himself 'I am' says He was there when no other being existed and He made all others. Now only one more oerson could say He needs to name - nobody to distinguish Him from - the one who was second in existence because with just Father and Son they neither need a name because there is none beside them in the beginning. So this is what Jesus says by 'I am' - He had existence before anything else or other person except God so neither needed names. Now He carries that unique quality and right forward to after creation because everything and every person is created by Him and the Father so still there is by right no need to give a name. He can just say 'I am' at that should be enough.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

What is Freedom

What is Freedom? It is said to be about chiices- ability to choose. I find Jesus made the choice - I have to not lie, not be taken over by hate, not commit immorality. The other choices become mine if I let His choices come first. I need the truth about where His choices for me (or anybody) end and my choices left to me can begin. This knowledge of this truth is surely freedom. Surely this truth is what is called light. So having it I can make choices while affirming and living consistently with His choices (obedience and adherence) - walking in light.

So to learn what choices He makes for me - mainly lifestyle choices - and where the choice can be mine - to learn this I must follow Jesus learning from Him and giving Him the choices He makes and learning more about this day after day.

The Kingdom of His Throne (ancient King David of Israel's Throne as it happens) is given those who do this with Lord Jesus now risen from the dead as King on this throne.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

The True Freedom

In the teachings of Jesus in the gospel of John: If you are free to sin (to lie, hate, commit adultery, etc) you are not free. If you are free to sin you are a slave to sin. If you cannot sin you are truly free. John expressed this further in his epistles. Because of the importance of the veracity of John's testimony of Jesus' teachings like this one the later disciples had to focus on who learned from John so a disciple of John came to the fore named Polycarp. Yet today we have a witness alive still namely Lord Jesus Himself and by following the teachings in John's writing we can actually find that Jesus confirms these His teachings directly to each follower by keeping the promises to disciples of His interspersed within those teachings. He is alive to do this and His word is in Revelation - the  book John wrote based on Jesus' appearance to Him long after Jesus rose from the dead - that He, Jesus Christ, is the one who lives and was dead and is alive forever - even holding the keys of death and the place of the dead.

Born of the Spirit or still a child of Satan

We have today a witness in The Gospel of John of how Jesus Christ taught in detail and the words He used to move people from darkness into light. It is there we find Jesus casting doubt on the idea that everyone is a child of God and showing a deeper truth that lying is a symptom that all is not well with us and Satan is really the father of us when lies are on our tongues. Jesus sets it straight - no child of God behaves like that but only children of Satan lie all the time and any tendency we gave to lie is a symptom we let Satan rule our actions. The Christ died for you and me which means a calling to be better than Satan so Jesus gives this truth to set us free and a Spirit of truth to show us the power of truthfulness. Now what we need to believe is that Jesus commands we no longer lie as Satan lies but be determined to keep telling truth with lies eradicated as much as we can and Jesus will make it more established that we live like this when we hold to this teaching of God's that Jesus Christ taught in the world and the Gospel of John records so we can have life in Jesus' name. Then we can be children of God who hear the Spirit speaking to us yet know not where this wind comes from or to whence it goes - this is how Jesus said it is with those born of the Spirit.

Opinion: God Judges Nations

God answers prayer when poor people pray, especially ones who follow His Son and the teachings He gave. If we feel injustice we can pray for justice. When we combine this teaching of Jesus with the teaching He gave on faith - pray and do not doubt in your heart and God will do it - it results in judgment surely administered. What then about Pharoah (Moses and Pharoah - that Pharoah)? Well when, I find, a government and country are not pleasing to God or have lost the approval of God, it seems to me, prayers for justice get mire and nore frequent and when a few in that country believe in God with faith like Jesus taught and always pray with faith and often feel injustice perhaps from poverty and weakness against 'the system' which does nit support their needs but supports the injustices of the better off, disasters can become frequent. If the people (Hosea 8) appoint leaders more approved by God it can break a downward spiral. Otherwise the judgments can get worse and worse as God answers prayers of the poor with faith and a war can develop between the system and its servants and God. Eventually it gets like the war God waged first on Egypt and its Pharoah then on the surrounding wicked peoples. So it need not get like that but if it does it may be God has hardened people to show His power. War between God and a nation or nations. It happens. I was glad when God once, in my view, gave grace to my country when judgments were getting frequent looking like the situation might get towards some kind of war of God on the country and then a new leader being appointed reversed that spiral and showed there could be a better path if the same leader were apponted again. To date that merciful situation has triumphed over the judgment-filled one and prayer against an unjust system seems now nowhere near like as necessary as it was (or maybe we just don't have the poverty today.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Becoming A New Creation

As for how long sanctification - becoming a new creation - takes, well in my case decades but I'm probably a challenged sluggish learner, struggling to apply Jesus' teachings and His apostles' teachings (The Father's teachings) in my life. I reckon however long it takes to come to enough knowledge of the truth and enough faith in the message of truth from God to be set free from lying and hating and other such things, it comes to an initial fulifilment when the Holy Spirit is clearly heard within - the wind from whence you do not know where it comes or to where it goes. Then rebirth has become a reality for you but sin after that is dealt with by the Father - now your father - giving you life and others praying Him to do so. That can mean painful discipline. But a new creature has come into the world.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Sanctification: What is it?

What is sanctification? I find greatest clarity in John 8 and 1 John about those who believe still needing to be free from slavery to sin. If you sin, says Jesus, you are a slave to sin, and He said it even to those who believed. To me this explains that justification by faith still needs to be followed by sanctification. In John 8 it is first believers following Jesus by adhering to His teachings then Jesus Himself sanctifying them setting them free from sin (which I personally equate to sanctification) through these followers knowing the truth. Truth, Jesus stated later in His prayer for the disciples before His crucifixion, sanctifies. "Sanctify them by your truth", He prayed to the Father, "Your word is truth." Now my own feeling is that the logic is given by Jesus that if by sinning it is slavery to sin then any sin is slavery so to be free from thiscslavery means no longer sinning. It is not hard and fast it seems when you consider that life has to be given by God to a person once set free but sinning afterwards as John teaches in his epistle 1 John. So it isn't an exact science. Another factor is rebirth of the Spirit that comes with this sanctification. The one sinning is of Satan - believing but not yet sanctified. Spirit transforms into one not sinning and this makes them a child of God in the sense Jesus meant it. This is by hearing Jesus' words of spirit (or the gifts or anointing it later is added in John' epistle). It involves love toward Jesus so the words are nor rejected.   For a parallel in Pauline teaching (teachings of Apostle Paul) there is his message to Ephesians that they were taught in accordance with the truth that is Jesus to put off falsehood and speak truth ... to be angry and not sin ... to not give a foothold to Satan - paralelling John 8 and 1 John which is interesting because the Ephesians may historically have received this directly from John in Ephesus.

Avoiding All Use of Violence

Violence. Those who live by it die by it. The real 'temple' being built by Christ can be built in peace because of the power of Christ's name to overcome evil instead of use of violence so that builders can have hands free of bloodshed. If we choose to weild His name and rely on its power we can put away the sword. There is a place for war even in religious causes and scripture makes it clear but the overriding peace of Christ gives an alternative by the power of God's name for the building of a house for Him without bloodshed. Without the name of Lord Jesus we would have to accept that there will tend to be a need to keep readiness for the resistance to violence in some way - and Apostle Paul had to resort to asking worldly rulers for armed protection in direst of times and even had to invke his being a Roman Citizen to get help from the Roman government of his time so this might be necessary after first asking the peace of Lord Jesus' name for justice. It is not incompatible to seek both God's peace and that of the police and even armed forces. So far no bloodshed by priestly 'builders of the Temple of God' is necessary but Paul shows there is a limit to even this peace when times are allowed by God to get more dire still. Yet even here martyrdom is a passive peaceful option if grace is given for it to this extreme - resisting temptation even to the point of shedding blood. The risk is then that violence might take us over as when Peter cut the High Priest's servant's ear.

In Jesus time on Earth all kinds of atrocities were being committed including the beheadng of John the cousin of Jesus - The Baptist. Jesus did not take up arms even then. That is for governments but governments were at that time the perpetrators so then it is for angels and eventually for God Himself who takes kingdoms and give kingdoms, exalts to kingship and humbles kings. In cases of injustice and atrocities seemingly unpunished there is prayer. God may answer prayers with what seems to the oppressors like atrocities or terrorism but has God's hand sometimes. Jesus now has David's throne and rules the kngdom of God which is believers but believers still have to pray and even to intercede for perpetrators and if it is a matter for Jesus the Lord then He will judge and show mercy as He deems fit according to God's will who gave Him The Kingdom. God as Father of the Kingdom folk loves them day by day and is very fatherly to them and notes those in His Son's kingdom with special love.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

By a carpenter

"By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade." - Desiderius Erasmus

The carpenter who with His Father made mankind does remake people using words of spirit and the faith and adherence those words inspire. Spirit is remaking a few people and influencing many of the others so that, by the resulting remade people, it becomes clear how the carpenter and His Father intends mankind to be - but eventually any who still are way off track the carpenter will have to finally destroy once the number of all the remade folk is complete in His eyes. If spirit is excluded by fools who maybe do not know what they do then there is nothing left by which the remaking is done - spirit and words of spirit are the only way used by the carpenter to remake anybody. To many the philosophy of the age excludes the importance of spirit so society suffers the neglect of salvation from the final destruction and the mini destructions that mark the lead to the carpenter taking over.

Of course He might have not actually have been a carpenter but He was known as a carpenter's son since people thought Joseph was His father, not realising He was Son of God, The Father.

Strive to Enter

“Do your best to go in through the narrow door; because many people will surely try to go in but will not be able. The master of the house will get up and close the door; then when you stand outside and begin to knock on the door and say, ‘Open the door for us, sir!’ he will answer you, ‘I don't know where you come from!’"
- Jesus of Nazareth, First Century AD

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Summary so far

So now I summarise the Gospel as follows. It summarises both old and new testament to help people understand the way to be saved the destruction when God judges every dead and living person in the future.

The kingdom and throne of David as spoken of in scripture is a refuge for the people of faith to keep them safe under the auspices of Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God who can keep them because God is His Father and His God. This keeps them from evil as the wickedness pervades and  the hardness against the truth pervades that lost the Jews this Kingdom when they crucified Jesus the Christ who God sent them - His Son.

This fulfills the need for God to make some righteous and then to destroy the wicked with righteous judgment.

The ancient Jewish Law of Moses contains a description, effectively, of what God regards as right behaviour such as has been called righteousness. It does not have power to make you behave that way just by reading it. You might behave that way already without ever reading it. The will of God has been to save people by bringing them to behave rightly like the rigteousness described in the Law of Moses and then to rid the world of those still wicked by Jesus judging everyone justly. To bring this all about Jesus came. He taught how to follow Him once you believe in Him. The gospels tell about His time on Earth and how He came from being with the Creator during creation to being first a baby then working miracles as an adult and being crucified as the sacrifice to pay for wrong behaviour. God then raised Him to life again to never die again. This is truth you will know if you follow Jesus Christ and take the promise to geart He has given that in following Him you can find the right way to live to be saved the destruction of the coming judgment.

The only way to escape wrong behaviour is to follow Jesus as Jesus showed by dying for those who follow Him to pay for their wrongs. If people could have been made righteous another way He would not have died on a criss or even have come to die at all because He would not have needed to,

Jesus Christ by allowing His own crucifixion and death showed His 100% belief that following Himself is the only way to true righteousness like the righteousness the Law of Moses describes. It shows His belief in His own promises - promising that righteousness to those who believe in and follow Him. God seconded this belief by raising Him, His Son, from the dead and setting Him at His right hand as Lord and promised King - the Christ.

True Righteousness

Jesus Christ by allowing His own crucifixion and death showed His 100% belief that following Himself is the only way to true righteousness like the righteousness the Law of Moses describes. It shows His belief in His own promises - promising that righteousness to those who believe in and follow Him. God seconded this belief by raising Him, His Son, from the dead and setting Him at His right hand as Lord and promised King - the Christ.

Friday, 18 December 2015


2 Chronicles 7:17-19 American Standard Version (ASV)

"And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and mine ordinances; then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel."

Psalm 132:10-12 American Standard Version (ASV)

"For thy servant David's sake Turn not away the face of thine anointed. Jehovah hath sworn unto David in truth; He will not turn from it: Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. If thy children will keep my covenant And my testimony that I shall teach them, Their children also shall sit upon thy throne for evermore."

Isaiah 9:6-7 "For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from the [latter] time forth, even forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

Luke 1:31-33 American Standard Version (ASV)

"And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."

Luke 12:31-33 American Standard Version (ASV)

"Yet seek ye his kingdom, and these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell that which ye have, and give alms; make for yourselves purses which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief draweth near, neither moth destroyeth."

Matthew 21:42-44 American Standard Version (ASV)

"Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, The same was made the head of the corner; This was from the Lord, And it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken away from you, and shall be given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And he that falleth on this stone shall be broken to pieces: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will scatter him as dust."

It came to me as revelation in a dream but when I woke some of these verses came to mind to prove it and now more turns up in scripture too. It astonished me how God took this away from those who crucified His Son. I never put it all together till now. I had been asking God, after discussing the old and new covenants, to understand the new covenant. Last night it came in a dream and these verses. It is the new covenant to be a subject of Jesus as He is on David's throne and will reign over all the Earth soon. To be His means you are in this kingdom. He your king. He your Lord. Your Master. Knowing Him like this. He started and sealed it with His crucifixion blood. The Lamb of God. This is the new testament, new covenant, fulfilment of God's will which He, Lord Jesus will cause to be accomplished and you with Him if you are in His kingdom under this reign God gives Him on the throne of David. This is the Gospel.

Matthew 28:17-19 American Standard Version (ASV)

"And when they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came to them and spake unto them, saying, All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:"

What Did Christ Fulfill When He Fulfilled the Law?

So the fulfilment of Law by Christ - what was it really? It was to fulfill the purpose, as requested by the righteous of far distant past, that God find a right path toward destroying the wicked to cleanse the earth so righteousness could take over once and for all.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

King David's Throne

The Kingdom of King David was foretold beyond King David's life to be eternal and now it is Lord Jesus, Isa, the Christ, on the throne of the Kingdom for ever but it has been taken from those who do not believe this and given to those who do. Not only is Jesus now Lord on the Throne of God at God's  right hand over the Universe, angels, nature but God has installed Him on King David's throne to rule over all kingdoms a thousand years after which it is prophesied He will give the kingdom over to the Father, His God.

Spiritual Gifts

Regarding spiritual gifts which come with the Gospel to believers, these gifts come, when authentic, from the Throne where Christ is installed where the Spirit is a river of life flowing from it out to the fearers of God who believe what God says through Jesus Christ. Remember. The new testament covenant had made it so people can receive this Spirit and these gifts, when authentic are the very real manifestation of that. It cost Jesus His blood on the Calvary cross and all through future history it will cost Him personally the devotion of His future life to the new covenant made by God with the new people He has bought. These gifts, do not despise them, when authentic, are the visible manifestation and guarantee by which we know this covenant of the new testament is real. They are a deposit of the reality of things to come including the Resurrection which is just as real as these gifts. The gifts prepare people, real people around the world, for this Resurrection - for the return of Jesus Christ. In some cultures it is a girl who is given a dowry by a suitor or the suitor's father - like Rebecca given a dowry by Isaac's father Abraham on Isaac's behalf so she could show that gift off to her father and mother and friends and relations as proof of the sincerity and reality of the suitor or suitor's father's intentions to marry her, if she agreed. Think how excited that makes her if the dowry is extravagant and the suitor has means to support her through having a wealthy father. Think how that is when the father and suitor are on the Throne of Glory over all the Universe!

Real gifts of the spirit give proof of where they are from - a taste of the glory of heaven and the powers that will raise the dead and the powers of the coming age. When real they leave you fully aware of that. And aware it all liies before you as a reality that can be yours when you persist in it obediently. Love God. Rejoice in the names written in heaven and the manifestation of that in these gifts being found on earth in real people's lives. Ignore the false manifestations and rejoice in the real ones. Let the real ones build you up and bring you into being part of God's Temple if you are worthy of that by His grace and faith in Jesus Chirst - faith in His blood.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Amazing Grace

Do you think a lot about what Christian scriptures call gifts of the Spirit - also known as charismata - grace gifts? Maybe it worries you that if you continue to follow Jesus Christ you will come to experience such things. Focus on grace - all that it is. It is a way of living. It is underpinned by certainty that God won't let you down if you truly follow His Son - like Peter walking on water because he was told to do so by the Lord Jesus. How grace manifests is not so important as the importance of basing your life on it. If you fear the unknown then just remember it is Jesus who calls you to it. If you trust Him because of who He is then you will overcome that fear.

Monday, 14 December 2015

An Excerpt of Jesus Christ's Teaching (John 8)

An except of Jesus Christ's teaching from not long before His crucifixion as recorded in the Gospel book of John (chapter 8):
"... I have much more I could say to judge you. But I tell people only what I have heard from the one who sent me, and he speaks the truth.”
They did not understand who he was talking about. He was telling them about the Father. So he said to them, “You will lift up the Son of Man. Then you will know that I Am. You will know that whatever I do is not by my own authority. You will know that I say only what the Father has taught me. The one who sent me is with me. I always do what pleases him. So he has not left me alone.” While he was saying these things, many people believed in him.
So Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him, “If you continue to accept and obey my teaching, you are really my followers.You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
They answered, “We are Abraham’s descendants. And we have never been slaves. So why do you say that we will be free?”
Jesus said, “The truth is, everyone who sins is a slave—a slave to sin. A slave does not stay with a family forever. But a son belongs to the family forever. So if the Son makes you free, you are really free.

An Opinion - My Hunch

Maybe many, many people in Christian circles are unaware of the significance of the words in John 8. The masses could perhaps be ever hearing and not understanding even in Christian circles and Muslim circles. The possibility occurs to me that just as I went years oblivious to this message so others are like that too. Do people trust all sorts of things about Church but not yet trust Jesus Christ. Likewise in mosques perhaps Mohamed is trusted and his prophesies but not the Christ in whose name the prophesies seem to be given - Isa, the Lord and Judge over all. I want to share the whole messsge is that there is righteousness to be found by trusting Jesus, Isa, Yeshua - sent from God for our salvation. It means to follow Him. It means to let life come to you all through your days from Him to make you righteous for the sake of His name, as God intended. It means letting Him change you for the better until you are a true child of God in true nature and not just in name. It means consenting to Him changing you and making you a new creation. Making you righteous. Setting you free. Then letting you live to love others like you.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Knowing Him Who Made You

He, way back, was in the world, as John wrote in his gospel, and though it was made by Him - and we too were made by His powerful authority and name - even what was made by Him did not know Him. So the opposite of this - knowing Him rather than merely knowing about Him - is to realise the reality of the existence of the One who made you - who made me - so that when that One comes to you personally like He did to people long ago - but this time by spirit reaching out to you - when He knocks on your heart's door you really spiritually know it is the One who made you - your Master - who is there and you open to Him and because you have this faith in Him He can make your heart His home. This Master who made you can be your soul mate. He who rests in the very bosom of the Father can make His home with you and then you know Him.

Kingdom of God

When we work a miracle or pray through into reality a wish for justice we are involving God in the world and increasing His influence by bringing to bear on the world around us the existence of God - the highest divine creator Spirit - and the belief we have that He will act on our behalf when we pray. This is increasing the Kingdom of God - bringing it. We have a capability initialised in us when we hear of God and things He has said that gives us a tiny but powerful ability to believe He exists and will act in answer to prayer - even our prayers - even if we are insignificant. His answers are with power we cannot imagine. Use that little muscle in your head that can assert His ability and will to do what even you ask. Once you use this in prayer - not just praying it but believing in certainty He will answer the prayer justly and He knows true justice - you will find this thing called by Jesus Christ 'faith' is like a little muscle you have and can use over and over. You know you've got it when you've successfully used it and after a few successes it feels like part of you. You will find you have the Kingdom of God within you.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Climate Change

Science says - "Oops we might have shot the planet and ourselves in the foot with industrialisation probably causing destructive climate change". Christ says - "Stop destroying the planet by turning your life around starting here with Me and then starting with cutting out the lies and lying. Then hold to My teachings and I'll free you from your other blunders too." Now that I can go with - especially as I learn Christ actually got crucified so it could work out for me - that shows me there is a reason to strive for better and there is a real God in ultimate charge

The Existence of Teaching Spirits Throughout History

So, folk, how do you feel about the existence of spirit teachers and one great Spirit teacher who have been teaching the same teachings nowadays as they taught leaders in ancient Sumeria? The ideas and knowledge of humans change over time as new information is added to old - like with ways to determine the position in the season cycle of the current actual day - moon being the easiest sign since it goes through simple cycles but then sun and stars showing that moon is insufficient. The two get put together by early man but it is complex. Then spirits teach how to make sense of it all and not only do you get a calendar but a sage-seer leader to teach it to others and a repository of writings considered sacred to save humans from the evils of ignirance so they can plant crops. The same spirits still exist and occassionally show their existence by teaching and helping humans throughout history and today. Their teachings don't change like progressive human knowledge.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Why is the Death of Jesus Christ So Important?

What is so interesting about the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ? Take your mind to the days of Rome in the time that Peter and Paul lived there and walked the streets much like people walk similar streets in Rome today. They were both there because they witnessed a person called Jesus of Nazareth the Christ. They knew a moment had happened in their lifetimes that we think of today - the Christ Jesus had lived and spent years doing miracles but had been crucified. Both had seen this Jesus alive after that crucifixion. What actually made this event cause them to end up in Rome and us now to make much of the crucifixion that took place a thousand miles from Rome but was so important they had to be there years after it in Rome to take a message about it to the centre of the Roman Empire at its height? It was this - the start of a new covenant by God with mankind. It was spilt blood but sacred blood that marked a new time in the peace possible between man and Creator, God. It made union with God a real possibility, even for pagans who believed it. Even for you and me whatever your background or religion of culture.

Isaiah Prophesied Of Jesus

The ancient prophet Isaiah was foretold he would be sharing a name with a future coming salvation. The salvation would be in the form of a man with a very similar name to his - his name is Yesha‘yahu in Hebrew and the salvation would come through somebody of whom he was like a sign - the name of Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua. Isa in Arabic - similar to Isaiah. The similarity of name was pushed home when children born to Isaiah had to be given sign names. And around this time the name Immanuel was prophesied too to show that Jesus would mean that the salvation of God was so close since Immanuel means God with us.

Read more in Isaiah 7 and 8

except (16-18):

"Bind up the testimony; seal up the teaching among my disciples. I will wait for the Lord, who has hidden his face from the house of Jacob, and I will hope in God. Look! I and the children the Lord gave me are signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of heavenly forces, who lives on Mount Zion..."

How we Learned the Earth is not Flat

Much of modern science came from Bablyon and that time - trigonometry especially plus planetary science. Stone Henge may evidence knowledge from the earliest times of Old Babylon and Predynastic Egypt. Emmeduranki was probably the first planetary scientist, 3000 BC. (Sumerian Enoch.) The sources of such knowledge were of course excitingly mysterious. They knew about planetary orbits. They understood the roles of the Sun and Moon in year lengths and timing of crop seasons. Their calendar knowledge got lost by the Egyptians later plunging them into famine because they lost track of the seasons. The Sumerians knew about 365 day years and leap years and finer details people are largely ignorant of even today but the height of Greek wisdom established again with gadgets helping them like the Antikythera mechanism - a superb if slightly inaccurate calendar and eclipse predicting mechanical computer. So the Greeks revived the wisdom of Sumeria and Babylon, building on it. Computer science was probably largely invented by whoever invented devices like the Antikythera mechanism and then by Aristotle with his move toward formal logic and logic mathematical symbols but the Islamic trade travellers and sages seem to have made a leap in this computing and in planetary science for travel for trade routes with their wisdom like their zairja gadget - which they attributed back to Enoch (Idris). Ramon Llull reinvented it in Europe as his Ars Magna and Lebnitz used this know-how to create computer science and modern philosophy concepts - though not popular until Bertrand Russell documented and formalised it all and these guys were building foundations for modern physics maths and astrophysics we got with people like Einstein and Hilbert (plus nuclear power). 'Shoulders of giants' but angels were the basis of planetary science via Enoch - not giants. And Enoch, Emmeduranki, wasn't just taught by the angels but was inspired by the same Holy Spirit who teaches us today of the wonders of Creation and of the Creator Father and Son team.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

The Truth Which Shows the Falsity in Trinity Doctrine

Jesus has at some point in past before time been conceived by God when God who is from everlasting to everlasting became Father - and His children are always His children once He calls then sons and daughters. Trinity disputes this. The Spirit we do not know about in this sense we know eternal past concerning God and Jesus. He cannot be God or if Trinity doctrine is correct then the teaching of Jesus would be made a nonsense that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgiveable whereas blasphemy against God is forgiveable. If Trinity doctrine is correct that the Spirit IS God then Jesus saying that the blasphemy against God is forgiveable but blasphemy against the Spirit is unforgiveable becomes nonsensicle.

How Jesus Fulfilled and Completed the Law

Jesus has always been since before time - the Son of God who with God created all things - always had a knowledge of righteousness which to some extent was put into the Law - but this righteousness is most perfect at source in the knowledge Jesus had from before time - direct one-to-one close knowledge of the Father who is perfect - and this complete knowledge of God's righteousness and complete obedience to it and complete righteousness as the Righteous One who is righteous enough to well please the Father - when this Jesus came in flesh as a human to live here 2000 years ago it conpleted the picture of righteousness that was started in the Law. It excelled the Law but was what the Law could bately capture because the Law was limited by what could be written in words and what people with a tendency to limit law's scope by their hardness could be given as Law. Jesus Himself coming greatly increased the scope and power of how righteousness that actually pleases God could be passed on to humans but it required Jesus to speak truthfully - which He does always - and the Spirit after Him to pass on truth in words but more than words too - passing in that righteous way truthfully now that Jesus has introduced it and made the way for it by His blood - His crucifixion death on a cross - and it all requires the hearer and receiver of all this to have faith in that truthfulness and in the pleasure Jesus is as righteous Son to God so people believe this is the true way towards pleasing God righteously. Plus Jesus now sympathises with our weaknessnes so can be our Great High Priest with all that entails.