Jesus has always been since before time - the Son of God who with God created all things - always had a knowledge of righteousness which to some extent was put into the Law - but this righteousness is most perfect at source in the knowledge Jesus had from before time - direct one-to-one close knowledge of the Father who is perfect - and this complete knowledge of God's righteousness and complete obedience to it and complete righteousness as the Righteous One who is righteous enough to well please the Father - when this Jesus came in flesh as a human to live here 2000 years ago it conpleted the picture of righteousness that was started in the Law. It excelled the Law but was what the Law could bately capture because the Law was limited by what could be written in words and what people with a tendency to limit law's scope by their hardness could be given as Law. Jesus Himself coming greatly increased the scope and power of how righteousness that actually pleases God could be passed on to humans but it required Jesus to speak truthfully - which He does always - and the Spirit after Him to pass on truth in words but more than words too - passing in that righteous way truthfully now that Jesus has introduced it and made the way for it by His blood - His crucifixion death on a cross - and it all requires the hearer and receiver of all this to have faith in that truthfulness and in the pleasure Jesus is as righteous Son to God so people believe this is the true way towards pleasing God righteously. Plus Jesus now sympathises with our weaknessnes so can be our Great High Priest with all that entails.