
Sunday, 29 November 2015

Christ is Greater Than the Law of Moses

We followers (or would-be followers) of Christ do not follow the Law of Moses because we at least have it in the gospel that Christ was able to explain the background of a law of Moses and give a better version of how it would have been if there had not been hardness - so showing the weakness in the commands given as laws - the context of the people first receiving those laws affecting what could be given. The example given was Christ speaking about the Moses law for divorce and Christ knowing better having been at the giving of those laws and being at the side of God and being the very wisdom of God and having all the fulness of divinity. So we can be sure Christ knows how the laws should have been and can give us His knowledge by the Spirit now given us - if we believe and receive Him, the Holy Uncreated Spirit,  in Christ's name. Scripture alone does not give this but only a taster. We need the Spirit and to be born again so we follow the leadership of the Spirit who has the fulness of what Christ has which all comes from the Father, God.

I don't know for certain whether Leviticus 19 verse 27 forbids shaving - no human on Earth does. So nobody can know with certainty if they have broken this law and therefore The Law as a whole. I guess there are similar exanples affecting women. So you might find one concordance that gets you out of the guilt but how do you know a better concordance might drop you back into the guilt. Nobody can become righteous with any certainty this way. Jesus the Christ is the only certainty and the Spirit given by God in Jesus' name. Their testimony is valid because they do know all the law but know the perfect way they teach too. This perfect way is what they offer - not perfect keeping of the Law.