The Son of Man will Soon be King
The Lordship and Anointing for Kingship of the Son of Man is subject of the gospel but it is little understood. Few preach about there being a Son of Man becauee for many preachers this is a name shrouded in mystery. Yet it is clearly used as a name for Himself by Jesus when He was among the people of Judea and Samaria in the flesh having been born of a virgin under the power of the Holy Ghost. He meant His special suitability to be Lord over all humans having been Lord over angels and forces of Nature before He took human form as a baby. This taking of human form would be first of two steps necessary to secure God, His Father's, plan to place Him over all His works including humanity and God's temple anong humans which He would build. The last step to complete it would be for Him to die at human hands under human rule and Mosaic Law and then to rise to unique eternal resurrection life as the firstborn from the dead. Already He had been firstborn over all the Universe we see and all creation we do not see but He had also to become firstborn from the dead - The Resurrection. All this. when it was future in heaven before He came, gave Him a name Son of Man as the One chosen of God to bring all rule together including sinful man and finally hand it to the Father. This is the work for which the Father anointed Him and proclaimed the angels should worship Him. Soon He will be seen by all coming in the clouds - coming to reign. Eternal life is so far only His to have and give because He alone is the eternal Resurrection. It is only those in Him who have this available to them because it is only there in Him not given except in Him. To have it or a part in it in your future it is only there for you in Him so you have to remain in Him to receive any of it and to have it there for you when you die so He resurrects you who are His. That is ONLY if you are His and remain in Him and His words and truth remains in you.