
Saturday, 14 November 2015

The Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath

The Son of Man is lord over the Sabbath
The words we have in scripture that Jesus spoke after explaining that the Sabbath was made by God for man, not man for the Sabbath. A day in every week for rest. Even the week came from God. It is known all over the world through almost all history as a series of cycled seven day periods with one day marking the cycle and the last day of the cycle is set apart by the God who made the Universe and by the Son of God with whom God made the Universe and this last day of the cycle is a rest day for humans. God gave it to descendants of His human friend Abraham even though that meant intervening for them to enforce their masters to let them have it as a weekly day off. Later He said those living near them who wanted to show honour to thrir God could rest on the seventh dsy too as a mark of their devotion to let them have an outlet of love for The Creator God, this real life God the Jews were saved by out of slavery. So it was for human benefit God gave it both as a rest day and as a means of expressing love in obedience to God whose command it is. Now Jesus the Son of God shows who He is in history when saying that He is lord of this day because He said He is lord over it on the basis of being made for mankind and God had made Jesus the Lord over mankind so hence He is lord over this sabbath given by God for mankind. But most noticably He said "Son of Man" showing clearly He is made exactly like man by birth as a human in order to best benefit those over whom God has made Him Lord - hence showing the reason He is called since ages past "Son of Man" even before coming as a man when He was Lord over angels with God and nature itself - as made known to the earliest human prophets like Enoch in Sumerian times, before God had even appeared to Abraham, before even the pyramids or Stone Henge were built. Now appeared in flesh Jesus makes known to us all who He is and what His purpose is - to receive authority to rule over humans too, especially thise who want to show devotion to the God who with Him had created the Universe and given mankind the week and the weekend command of a rest day to honour Him with and in love to obey His command willingly if we so wish to have such a command to obey.