
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

A Minimum Read of Scripture for those who are able to Grasp it

Everyone with a bank account ought to check the balance from time to time even if you aren't a fastidious book keeper. You can go overdrawn with your spiritual account too and if you are not a Jew but are in Christ the miminum check is to read Galatians and see if maybe you are in danger if falling from grace. Don't wait till a leader tells you - they might be ignoring their own spiritual bank balance too. I don't preach study of scripture to all because not all are capable but God is still loving towards them. Yet if you can read it a bit and don't know the Law because it doesn't apply to you in Christ, at least have a look at Galatians and see the Law must not be allowed to enslave you with its feasts and especially its circumcision.