Spiritual rebirth is where spirit does so much in a discple of Jesus Christ that it supercedes natural birth. It can be a result of holding to Jesus' sayings in scripture or the work of the Holy Spirit now He is sent in Jesus' name - including inspired preaching. Truth sets free. Starting to hold to the spirit words can be for a while before truth sets free but the promise of Jesus is there all the while. Truth of which Jesus spoke is the truth He is Son of the God the Father as seen in God raising Him from the dead. Realising it fully sets free and puts love of brothers who also believe permanently into the heart. You cannot unknow it but you can be cast out of the Vine you are part of as a branch - Jesus is the Vine and the Father is the gardener who can do the casting out - if you don't hold faithfully to the spirit sayings and truth that put you in the Vine.
Recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 8 there is the description by Jesus Christ of permanent membership versus temporary servitude in God's house - only permanence classes as sonship because there are no temporary sons. In the first letter of John, 1 John , combined with John 8 it is shown that permamence comes only from the One who is permament already in God's house - the Son of God, Jesus. He only makes permanent sons of God - the temps are but servants - servants of sin whose sonship is sonship of Satan - rebirth makes them permanent - permanent sons of God - in all of 1 John he never mentions anything about being unborn or needing rebirth again - only non-sons need rebirth in all of 1 John. Plenty of times he says people behaving unlike sons have never been sons because sons do not behave like non-sons in regard to hatred of sons and lies - at least, not in a persistent way. Temporary non-son behaviour is corrected by life from God through Christ His Son, such as after prayer by intercessors who can be Jesus and can be other sons. You are either a permanent son or not a son at all.
Knowing the Truth leading to sonship? For me, it was asking God to show me Father Son and Spirit then when He did just that it was Jesus He showed me, Jesus showing Himself with perfect clarity as indeed Jesus and as my Lord and Master, this of course results in my unevitable conclusion in my heart of hearts that Jesus is God's divine Son. To make it all the more certain God showed me Himself the Father and the Holy Spirit worked in me to show Himself too and a brother who also had the same Spirit who spoke of the Lordship of Jesus Christ using tongues and interpretation of that heavenly tongue.