I try and always write my comments with this smartphone. It is like a painting artist using a limited palette - if you don't know, well a limited palette is where you paint a painting using only maybe six or seven colours of paint or even less perhaps - partly as a discipline and partly for the design effect a bit like Japanese minimalism. Using only a smartphone is also a way to bridge a generation gap with people who never got into PCs or mainframes and landline telephones and even typewriters. Why say this? It is by way of explaining my theory or belief that Jesus is God's limited palatte. God used Jesus who would always one day become flesh so was called Son of Man and God involved Him and perhaps made Him to be the One through whom all things were made. He became like us so some may be saved by His human understanding of us. And to rule us by being Lord yet being able to be Lord over nature and angels and now us too using only limited powers we ourselves might use! With faith and righteousness. So God is behind it all pulling the strings of yhe Universe and angels and even Jesus and eventually us. How do we know this? Because He calmed the storm so they said even the winds obeyed Him yet He taught them to do the same as He did by using faith like He had which even they could have too - in the Father, God - and do as He as Lord. He is Lord because He masters faith and teacher because He teaches us to do the same. God's limited palatte.