
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Seeing the Kingdom of God when Born Again

As for the born again SEEING the Kingdom of God, maybe the revelation testimony I have throws light some (few) might find acceptable on that. I had a task given me twenty years ago to lead a house group 'Bible study' and I tried to pick a topic I would find satisfying thinking others might also find it satisfying too. I always wanted to know what scripture meant by heaven so I picked the book of Psalms and dilligently combed my way through it looking for any indication of where heaven is and what is meant by it. I was suprised and delighted to find a lot of clarity and consistency about heaven being just  above the clouds. It includes the clouds. It means the God controls the weather by the word of His power and uses the weather to show that rule and power to humans. I even invoked it when I found a Psalm to the effect of asking God to bring an end to an evil among men affecting the invoker in asking God to rend the heavens and come down and scatter the enemies. I invoked it against the local authority for which I worked and it was scattered and ended by it because they were making my employment seven years of hell. I found God accompanied my efforts to rebuke the top boss there in answer to my invokation by sending a terrible storm to rage all the time I was before a board of top managers as I tried to show them their fault. After that it was only weeks before word came from central gov that the large council would be abolished and all the employees sent to surrounding councils to work. Only a few remained with the immediate lesser authority in the city and I was with them. I used the knowledge of this sense of heaven to lead the study. A little later I was asking to see Jesus (and God and the Spirit) - not by seeing His resurrected flesh but by some showing of Himself to me. I had taken my study further finding it was clear in prophesy that floods are how God judges nations. A flood had come to my city (Wikipedia and news stories mentioned it) and the river was in flood. A psalm said to go and see the works of God and destructions He has wrought so I did. Living by a bridge over the river I went in torrential rain with a huge umbrella to see it and think of it as God in His power causing it. On the way back I had the voice of Jesus in my spirit and mind say emphatically and very authoritatively "Put down your umbrella!" I told you the test already but when I did so the torrential rain stopped so quick not a drop seemed to touch me. I knew it was Jesus and later He proved it again. In my mind and spirit now I can picture it with a spiritual focus even while I walk in town and it is like SEEING the power of the rule of God.