Kingdom of God seems to me to go like this. If I do what human government does not want me doing I could in some cases be called a criminal. If I do what goes against what God wants me to do I am in this case not doing His will and His will is higher than the will of human government so I could be worse than criminal in some cases. If I do what He wills then this is better and saves me from a worse situation than if were labelled a criminal in what I do by human government. This is God's government higher than human government. It is what makes it best to be found doing God's will and what makes it dangerous to be doing otherwise. God wills that we believe in His Son - believe in His being who He is with the name He has - and then we give up lies and hated first and foremost because they are of Satan and against His will. Then God's will is that we hold to what He have Jesus to teach all our lives. The truth we learn as a result sets us free from doing what is against God's will so God wills we hold to the truth we receive from the first time we start receiving truth after we learn this will of God - and live according to it all our lives. The transformation of liar to truth teller then truth abider is by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of the spirit and truth in Jesus' words and sayings and deeds from God. So Jesus calls it rebirth because it takes the place in God's eyes of human birth which was not enough - this being born again makes us children of God in thr kingdom of God. It seems from Paul's teachings to coincide with starting to be led by the Spirit of God. In Jesus' teaching it coincides with being spoken to by the Spirit and recognising the Spirit like a wind blowing. Receiving living workings of the Spirit and not just the spirit in His teachings.
16 minutes ago