
Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Grace and Truth

The Law of Moses certainly makes you think. It puts the worse things you do in lights before your eyes. But it offers no answers. It has no good news. No hope on offer. It just says "Listen to the one who comes who is a true hope and a prophet like Moses". It is a smack on the hand and even can lead to pain of death or actual death. It shows us where we are getting things wrong but does not say what to do about it except to meter out punishments which are usually more harsh than we can bear. In contrast we have preaching in the gospel like "he who has been stealing must steal no longer but must work doing something useful with his own hands so he has something he can share with those in need " which gives hope of redemption by showing an achievable wat forward and offers a future even to a thief (and who has never stolen). It doesn't even label 'thief'. This is grace. Still to be obeyed or what hope is there left. It shows a sacrifice has been made already - Christ the anointed one who will be king is crucified. But he has been resurrected to life forever and again there is hope.

If the Law had the means on its own, Christ died for nothing: That is what faith says - faith leading to righteousness in Christ because He died but not for nothing. He died so grace and truth can now lead the way to true righteousness.

His resurrection in the love of God His Father makes this way sustainable - forever.

I'm sorry some stumble in this way of grace and fall back to Law or get lulled into it like it has answers. This lack of persistence makes it look like you don't believe in Christ's crucifixion sacrifice and eternal life.

Would you prefer the grace which says change your ways but Christ died for your thieving and you can stop and do better now - or Law which says you just have to die for your thieving?

Or sharia which I think says Christ didn't die so you have to have a limb cut off for your thieving.

Just converted myself, I think. Truth is He must have died for our sins back then and there or how else would there be so much grace. And now alive He gives us more grace - forever.

Years ago I learned to obey the teachings Jesus taught and the commands in the gospel scriptures. The scripture's gospel of John says Jesus promised for those who obey His commands that He would and God would show themselves to them.

Truly, as I begged Him to show me Himself, God spoke to me in a dream and just days later Jesus met me in the street telling me in my spirit during a major rain storm to put down my umbrella and immediately the torrential rain stopped and I knew it was Jesus. He even confirmed it just the way I asked Him to later that night. He could only make this promise, which John records was during the last supper, if He knew God would not just lead Him to die but would also then raise Him from the dead and give Him immortal eternal life so He could help those who obey even now thousands of years later. He had already said this death and resurrection would happen, it is recorded in the gospel, during that last supper before He was crucified. I got to learn it is true for myself because of this gospel testimony and by obedience to this grace and truth by faith.

It is true that He died to give us life abd true that He is alive from the dead with eternal life to share with those He loves and who love Him back.

The Holy Spirit also showed me His power in a way that led me to learn that Jesus was existing and with God even before the Universe began so this explains some of what John recorded Him saying that He is before Abraham, the first ancestor of Hebrews. He was and is and is to come. So is the Father, God, who created all things through Jesus when Jesus was called the Son of Man and Word of God before Jesus was born a mortal human two thousand years before we too were born. He can always intercede with God for us and reveal all about God to us in time.