
Saturday, 26 December 2015

Born of the Spirit or still a child of Satan

We have today a witness in The Gospel of John of how Jesus Christ taught in detail and the words He used to move people from darkness into light. It is there we find Jesus casting doubt on the idea that everyone is a child of God and showing a deeper truth that lying is a symptom that all is not well with us and Satan is really the father of us when lies are on our tongues. Jesus sets it straight - no child of God behaves like that but only children of Satan lie all the time and any tendency we gave to lie is a symptom we let Satan rule our actions. The Christ died for you and me which means a calling to be better than Satan so Jesus gives this truth to set us free and a Spirit of truth to show us the power of truthfulness. Now what we need to believe is that Jesus commands we no longer lie as Satan lies but be determined to keep telling truth with lies eradicated as much as we can and Jesus will make it more established that we live like this when we hold to this teaching of God's that Jesus Christ taught in the world and the Gospel of John records so we can have life in Jesus' name. Then we can be children of God who hear the Spirit speaking to us yet know not where this wind comes from or to whence it goes - this is how Jesus said it is with those born of the Spirit.