When we work a miracle or pray through into reality a wish for justice we are involving God in the world and increasing His influence by bringing to bear on the world around us the existence of God - the highest divine creator Spirit - and the belief we have that He will act on our behalf when we pray. This is increasing the Kingdom of God - bringing it. We have a capability initialised in us when we hear of God and things He has said that gives us a tiny but powerful ability to believe He exists and will act in answer to prayer - even our prayers - even if we are insignificant. His answers are with power we cannot imagine. Use that little muscle in your head that can assert His ability and will to do what even you ask. Once you use this in prayer - not just praying it but believing in certainty He will answer the prayer justly and He knows true justice - you will find this thing called by Jesus Christ 'faith' is like a little muscle you have and can use over and over. You know you've got it when you've successfully used it and after a few successes it feels like part of you. You will find you have the Kingdom of God within you.