Regarding spiritual gifts which come with the Gospel to believers, these gifts come, when authentic, from the Throne where Christ is installed where the Spirit is a river of life flowing from it out to the fearers of God who believe what God says through Jesus Christ. Remember. The new testament covenant had made it so people can receive this Spirit and these gifts, when authentic are the very real manifestation of that. It cost Jesus His blood on the Calvary cross and all through future history it will cost Him personally the devotion of His future life to the new covenant made by God with the new people He has bought. These gifts, do not despise them, when authentic, are the visible manifestation and guarantee by which we know this covenant of the new testament is real. They are a deposit of the reality of things to come including the Resurrection which is just as real as these gifts. The gifts prepare people, real people around the world, for this Resurrection - for the return of Jesus Christ. In some cultures it is a girl who is given a dowry by a suitor or the suitor's father - like Rebecca given a dowry by Isaac's father Abraham on Isaac's behalf so she could show that gift off to her father and mother and friends and relations as proof of the sincerity and reality of the suitor or suitor's father's intentions to marry her, if she agreed. Think how excited that makes her if the dowry is extravagant and the suitor has means to support her through having a wealthy father. Think how that is when the father and suitor are on the Throne of Glory over all the Universe!
Real gifts of the spirit give proof of where they are from - a taste of the glory of heaven and the powers that will raise the dead and the powers of the coming age. When real they leave you fully aware of that. And aware it all liies before you as a reality that can be yours when you persist in it obediently. Love God. Rejoice in the names written in heaven and the manifestation of that in these gifts being found on earth in real people's lives. Ignore the false manifestations and rejoice in the real ones. Let the real ones build you up and bring you into being part of God's Temple if you are worthy of that by His grace and faith in Jesus Chirst - faith in His blood.